The Ten Commandments are a set of religious instructions that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai. The commandments include the prohibition against murder, adultery, stealing, and cursing. The seven deadly sins are also included in the Ten Commandments, but they are a bit more specific: lying, coveting, hating one’s own kind, eating and drinking without moderation, and making fun of others. The power of the Ten Commandments is their ability to create a sense of order and discipline in a chaotic world. They can also be used as a tool for teaching children about moral values. And because they are so specific and concise, they can be easily remembered by people who read them often. The seven deadly sins are also an important part of Christianity. In Christianity, the seven deadly sins are considered to be bad habits that lead to death in the afterlife. This is why it is important for people to learn about these Sins so that they can avoid them in life and death situations.

10 Commandments From The Seven Deadly Sins Introduction

When the Demon King took control of the Demon Realm, the Ten Commandments were created. Half of his power is given to his servants. He decides to give it to ten demon servants rather than one person because it puts at risk his position as king. It was Meliodas who led the Ancient Holy War, where the Ten Commandments were fought against the four races (goddess giant, fairies, and humans). He then betrayed them, killing two of their members.

The Coffin of Eternal Darkness seals the Ten Commandments and demon race until Fraudrin breaks the seal by the people of Danafor. He then took control of Hendrickson to free the remaining Ten Commandments.

With some original members having left during Holy War, who are the current Ten Commandments members?

What are the Ten Commandments Seven Deadly Sins ?

10. Galand the Truth

Ability –Critical over

Power –27000

Galand is the oldest member of The Ten Commandments and the Demon Clan’s strongest demon. Galand was physically strong enough to make Diane (before she trained with Drole), Serpent’s Sin of Envy, look like a small ant.

His commandment is the Commandment of Truth. Anyone who stands before him, and knowingly lies to him is made to stone. Ironically, Escanor had actually made him turn to stone when he lied. His ability to “Critical Over”, allows him to increase his physical strength to the utmost extent. This ability allows him to keep his magic intact until the end.

9. Fraudin, the Selflessness

Capability –FullSize

Power –31000

Fraudrin is another one-of-a-kind demon that has been using Great Holy Knight Dreyfus as a vessel. Fraudrin has the commandment for Selflessness (It seems to cause those with feelings of greed or selfishness to lose all their memories, feelings and sense of self).

He has the ability to “Full Size”, which allows him to grow to enormous proportions, increasing his strength and endurance as well as his attack range. Another power is Soshin no Jutsu, which allows him to enter another person’s body and make it his own.

8. Melascula, the Faith

Hell Gate – Ability

Power –34000

Melascula, a prominent member the Ten Commandments, is proud of her abilities. She believes there is no one in the universe who doesn’t have a shred faithlessness in their hearts. Her commandment is The Commandment of Faith.

Anyone who fails to believe in her presence will be rebuked. Her pride was broken when Ban violated her commandment and displayed undeniable faith in Meliodas. Her “Hell Gate” ability allows her to create portals for different purposes.

7. Grayroad the Pacifism

Ability –Curse

Power –39000

Grayroad is a Gray Demon mutated, making her unique even among Demon Clan members. Fraudrin refers Grayroad to Grayroad as a woman, but her true gender is not known. Her commandment is The Commandment of Pacifism. It is unique.

Anybody who kills her in her presence will see their time taken from them, and they will rapidly age up to the point of death. Grayroad’s “Curse” ability allows her to inflict various types of illnesses on her targets, making it possible for her to defeat them without resorting to violence and preventing her being affected by her commandment.

6. Gloxinia, the Repose

Disaster – Ability

Power –50000

Gloxinia was the Fairy King’s Forest’s first king. However, he later defected to become Commandment of Repose. (Its curse or activation conditions are still unknown). He shares the Ability “Disaster”, which is his inherent power, with the current Fairy Kings. This ability allows him to control death and life in nature, and draw out the power of Basquias.

5. Derieri, the Purity – The Best Girl Among Ten commandments and Characters seven deadly sins

Combo Star – Ability

Power –52000

Derieri is another top warrior of the Demon Clan. He serves directly under the Demon King, the Commandment of Pureity. (Its cursed activation conditions and other details are currently unknown). Derieri is a member the Ten Commandments and has fought in ancient Holy War against Goddess Clan and other races.

Her “Combo Star” ability is one of the most unique here. Each successive blow will receive an additional 200,000 pounds of force, provided she does not stop attacking. She must restart if her attack sequence is interrupted.

4. Monspeet The Reticence

Trick Star – Ability

Power –53000

The Demon King bestowed Monspeet with the commandment Reticence. People who spoke out about hidden emotions or feelings would be silenced. His “Trick Star” ability is an innate magic power that allows Monspeet to swap two objects. Monspeet is also able to sense and homing attack objects with great accuracy and durability.

3. Drole The Patience

Power –54000

Ability –Ground

Drole is also known as Balor to humans. He is the founder of Giant Clan. He later defected to become an elite warrior in the Demon Clan and served directly under the Demon King, the Commandment of Patience. (Its curse, activation conditions, and other details are still unknown).

His ability “Ground”, a variation of the giant’s usual power, is an extension of his standard power: “Creation”. He has incredible control over the Earth and is able to dissipate Creation magic from lesser giants because of his closer connection to the Earth.

Also Read : Giantess Anime or Manga Characters : Our Top 27+

2. Estarossa, the Love – The Most Badass Among Ten commandments in seven deadly sins

Ability –Full Contra

Power –60000/200000+ – (Mael)

Estarossa, the middle son of King of Demon Clan Estarossa, is one of its most powerful warriors. He has a commandment called Commandment of Love. Anyone who holds hatred in their hearts is rendered powerless. He is also an expert in the ability Full Counter. His full counter is not as powerful as Meliodas’, but he can repel all physical attacks regardless of their power.

Gowther, a priest during the Holy War 3,000 year ago, rewrote Mael’s memories and gave the Archangel a new identity under the name Estarossa as a member the Ten Commandments, and second son of Demon King.

1. Zeldris, the Piety – The Most Beloved Among Ten commandments seven deadly sins

Ominous Nebula – Ability; God

Power – God Level (Incalculable)

Zeldris is the Demon Clan’s highest-ranking demon. He is the Demon King’s youngest son and has the power to both block Meliodas and defend against him. He is the current leader of The Ten Commandments, and he also holds the Commandment of Piety.

Anyone who turns his back on Zeldris will be treated as someone who has committed an act of betrayal. His “Ominous Neglum” ability creates a vortex around him and attracts them all. They are cut at a godlike speed using pure reflexes whenever they come in contact.

How did each ten commandments die in Nanatsu No Taizai ?

Derrieri & Monspeet Death

Derieri, who was fatally injured, falls to her death as Mael starts to take out her Commandment. Elizabeth shouts her name, and she catches her. Derieri wakes up in a familiar but strange place where she discovers that she was murdered by Mael.

Monspeet gives his life to save Derieri who is placed in the Holy War alongside Elizabeth.

Gloxinia and Drole Death

However everything results in a futile attempt, as Chandler ends up killing both Drole and Gloxinia.

Galand Death

His fall and death are ironic, made concrete by his power and by an ex-ally (Estarossa. Galand’s Commandment Truth coincides with the eighth/ninth commandment in the Ten Commandments: “Thou shall not bear false testimony against thy neighbour.”

Merascula Death

Melascula was stomped by Escanor’s spirit. After defeating Galand, Melascula, shocked, commends Escanor for his great power. Subliminally, Galand tried to escape but was terrified by his oath. Escanor continues to sigh in dismay.

Fraudin Death

Full Size is his main strength, allowing him to gain more strength and range. Fraudrin is completely exterminated by Meliodas in one hit.

Estarossa And Zeldris Death

Haha No, Estarossa & Zeldris are currently Alive.


Using Critical Over40,000???