Death Note is a manga and anime series written and drawn by Tsugumi Ohba. The story follows the life of Light Yagami, a high school student who is given a supernatural power to kill people with a pencil. After killing his own father, Light begins to feel the need to kill more people in order to feel complete. He meets L, a young man with the same power who helps Light find his way. Together, they try to stop the darkness from taking over the world. The manga and anime series have been popular for years and have been translated into many languages. In this article, I will be discussing Raye Penber’s role in Death Note: A Comprehensive Guide. Penber was born on October 15th, 1984 in Osaka, Japan. She started her career as an actress in 2006 when she played the role of Ruka Kamiya in the drama series Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. She then played the role of Sakura Tsukumo in A Silent Voice and later starred as Ruka’s younger sister Reiatsu Tsukumo in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders II. In 2009, she starred as Yumiko Shimomura in Natsume Soseki’s novel The Book of Friends and later reprised her role for Death Note: The Movie which was released on December 18th, 2009. She then starred as Misa Amano in Attack on Titan: Season 2 which was released on January 25th, 2013 and also reprised her role for Death Note: The Movie which was released on December 18th, 2013. Penber then starred as Lotte Kato in Tokyo Ghoul Season 3 which was released on March 25th, 2015 and also reprised her role for Death Note: A New Beginning which was released on February 14th, 2017.


Raye is black with ice-blue hair. He also wears a suit and coat, and usually has a briefcase that holds his laptop. Raye is a regular FBI agent, and he loves his fiancee Naomi Misora.

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STORY Raye Penber

Raye Pennber was born in the United States. He moved to Japan to work as an FBI Agent. There, he met Naomi Misora. They were later married until his death. His mother is half Japanese. However, his father is American. Raye penber was assigned to shadow Soichiro Yagami and the family of the police chief.

But, he found no suspicions. After Ryuk had alerted him about Penber’s tailing, Light staged a bus hijacking. He was forced to show Light his FBI ID and reveal who he was. Light arranged a date to Space Land for Light with Yuri, a girl from his class, in order to carry out his plan. Raye Penber was watching him and made a note. He decided to stay with him today because he couldn’t be Kira. Two days earlier, a bank robber climbed on the bus to threaten the driver and said that Kira would allow him to die from heart failure. 

Penber believed he was having hallucinations when the hijacker grabbed a piece from the Death note by Light. The busjack demanded that the driver stop, and ran out onto the street where he was struck by a car. Raye Penber did not believe Kira could be killed other than through heart failure, unlike his fiancee. He did not see Light as a threat and asked him to keep the story secret. Penber ran from the accident site before he could confirm that the kidnapper had died.

Light gave Raye Penber 8 days to recover from the incident. This allowed the FBI time to narrow Raye Penber’s targets to people outside the Yagami clan so that suspicion did not fall on him immediately. Just before his birthday, he suffered a heart attack. Kira had tricked him into writing down the names of his FBI colleagues using Death Note paper. He had already made his way to the subway station at 3:00 p.m., where he met Kira. Also, Kira threatened him with death if he didn’t turn around and then showed him proof of a murder. 

Kira gave him an envelope containing a radio and Death Note papers. In addition, Kira directed him to board Yamanote Line trains and continued to communicate with him. After Raye penber did what Light asked, he sat quietly until 16:41 and then he left the envelope behind. At the exact same time, he suffered a heart attack as the other 11 FBI agents. He realized that the strangely familiar voice of Kira belonged to him at the moment of his passing.

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The FBI stopped supporting the case after Raye Penber’s death (and all other agents investigating Japan). L was also accused by the Japanese police of siccing the FBI on them. Most of the agents turned against L because they didn’t trust him and considered it too risky for them to continue investigating Kira. Only 6 of the 141 former officers were left, and they put their lives at risk. Hideki Ide, however, also resigned after a short hesitation. L met the five remaining investigators in his hotel room. There, L gained complete confidence and shared with them his theories about Kira.

Naomi Misora also decided to make her own investigation and bring it to L’s attention. She noticed that Kira couldn’t kill his victims by heart failure. This was based on the information she received from her fiance. However, the information wasn’t complete. If Penber had told Misora who he was spying on during the bus-theft, she might have been able to piece together the pieces and figure out that Light Yagami is Kira. Even though Naomi Misora did not pass her knowledge on to L, L still had important clues.

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