Shizuka Naruto is a young girl who has always been curious about the world around her. She loves to explore and learn new things, and she is always looking for ways to help others do the same. Shizuka was born in a small town in Japan, and she has always been interested in the world around her. She loves to explore and learn new things, and she is always looking for ways to help others do the same. When Shizuka was just six years old, she started learning about magic from her family. They were very excited to teach her about the power of magic, and they taught her everything they knew about it. Shizuka quickly became very interested in magic, and she loved learning all that she could about it. After Shizuka learned all that she could about magic, she started looking for ways to use it for good. She loved helping people, and she knew that there was much that could be done with magic if people were willing to use it for good purposes. Shizuka decided that she would become a professional witch after high school graduation. She wanted to use her knowledge of magic for good reasons, and she knew that there was much that could be done with it if people were willing to use it for good purposes. Shizuka started learning how to cast spells at the age of thirteen years old. She had been interested in spellcasting since childhood, and she knew that there was much potential with spellcasting if people were willing to use it for good purposes. After Shizuka learned how to cast spells correctly, she began using them for good reasons. She helped many people during her time as a witch, andshe knew that there was much potential with spellcasting if people were willing to use it for good purposes.

While still training under her mentor, Shizuka developed a relationship with a merchant named Sagiri, despite the law of her village. While they hoped to one day change that law, Sagiri was one day killed, prompting Shizuka to live solely for her training and duties to the village, resigned to never love again. In the end, she said that she was going to become stronger one day.

Before her début, she had become the target of Kokuyō, who wanted to defeat her for her hand in marriage in order to rule Nadeshiko Village, and came after her numerous times despite a seemingly crushing defeat at every encounter. Prior to encountering with Naruto, Shizuka had defeated Kokuyō ninety-eight times, each time easily destroying his puppet and sending him flying.

Personality Shizuka Naruto

After Sagiri’s death, Shizuka became heartbroken and stopped loving so she would never lose someone dear to her again and so that she could become stronger. Tokiwa believes that she is only punishing herself. During her time with Sagiri, she also voiced her objection towards her village’s law, hoping to change it. After hearing Naruto’s resolve to make Sakura happier, she decides to become much more powerful, and someday, find someone to love without having to force them.

Appearance Shizuka

Shizuka is a fair-skinned girl of average height with an athletic yet curvaceous build. She has green eyes and waist-length black hair in a hime-style cut tied in a high ponytail with short bangs and chin-length strands framing her face. Normally, she wears a light-green kimono or a beige hooded robe when not battling. While on missions, she has a black forehead protector and wears her village’s form-fitting kunoichi uniform; it is grey-coloured with a right shoulder-guard, grey gloves, and opening in her shirt which reveals some of her sizeable cleavage.

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Abilities Shizuka

Shizuka is a highly capable and powerful kunoichi. She has shown great weapons proficiency, incorporating kunai into her techniques such as the Nadeshiko-Style Deep Crimson Dance Performance, a technique that Tokiwa praised Naruto for being able to dodge as well as the Dance Performance: Second Step where she spins in the air while releasing a volley of kunai at the enemy, greatly increasing her range.

Nature Transformation

She has also displayed the ability to use Wind Release techniques. Employing it alongside her taijutsu to greatly increase the lethality of such attacks as her Nadeshiko-Style Hardliner Revolving Cut and Nadeshiko-Style Hardliner Gale Fist techniques. She also employed the use of the Violent Whirlwind technique, where she spews out a jet of high-pressured air powerful enough to dispel shadow clones in an instant.

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Part II

Paradise Life on a Boat

Seemingly being pursued by Kokuyō who wants to forcibly take her hand in marriage, Shizuka destroys his puppet robot with ease sending him flying away. It is revealed that she and her attendant Tokiwa were on their way to the Land of Fire to find Jiraiya’s student whom he had carelessly promised would one day have to fight Shizuka and take her hand in marriage. Having found Naruto, Shizuka soon engaged him in battle.

Launching her Nadeshiko-Style Deep Crimson Dance Performance and her Dance Performance: Second Step and Violent Whirlwind techniques, she is able to successfully keep him at bay while dispatching his shadow clones. When she moves in for the kill however, thinking that Naruto was defeated, she is surprised to see that it was merely a shadow clone. Their battle is however interrupted by Kokuyō again, but Shizuka easily destroys his giant puppet. This time however, Kokuyō’s Hundred Puppet Soul Binding technique is activated and Shizuka falls under Kokuyō’s control. She is however saved by Naruto who easily dispatches Kokuyō. After this, Naruto speaks to her about the rules of her village and the power to change them, revealing to her in the process that he has a crush on someone else. With this, Shizuka has a change of heart and after seeing Naruto she vows to get stronger for her certain someone.

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title: “Shizuka Naruto: A Comprehensive Guide” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-24” author: “Dorothy Newcomer”

Shizuka Naruto is a young girl who has always been curious about the world around her. She loves to explore and learn new things, and she is always looking for ways to help others do the same. Shizuka was born in a small town in Japan, and she has always been interested in the world around her. She loves to explore and learn new things, and she is always looking for ways to help others do the same. When Shizuka was just six years old, she started learning about magic from her family. They were very excited to teach her about the power of magic, and they taught her everything they knew about it. Shizuka quickly became very interested in magic, and she loved learning all that she could about it. After Shizuka learned all that she could about magic, she started looking for ways to use it for good. She loved helping people, and she knew that there was much that could be done with magic if people were willing to use it for good purposes. Shizuka decided that she would become a professional witch after high school graduation. She wanted to use her knowledge of magic for good reasons, and she knew that there was much that could be done with it if people were willing to use it for good purposes. Shizuka started learning how to cast spells at the age of thirteen years old. She had been interested in spellcasting since childhood, and she knew that there was much that could be done with it if people were willing to use it for good purposes. After Shizuka learned how to cast spells correctly, she began using them for good reasons. She helped many people during her time as a witch, andshe knew that there was much that could be done with it if people were willing to use it for good purposes.

Alors qu’elle suivait encore une formation sous la direction de son mentor, Shizuka a développé une relation avec un marchand nommé Sagiri, malgré la loi de son village. Alors qu’ils espéraient un jour changer cette loi, Sagiri a été un jour tuée, ce qui a incité Shizuka à vivre uniquement pour sa formation et ses devoirs envers le village, résignée à ne plus jamais aimer. En fin de compte, elle a dit qu’elle allait devenir plus forte un jour.

Avant ses débuts, elle était devenue la cible de Kokuyō, qui voulait la vaincre pour sa main en mariage afin de gouverner le village de Nadeshiko, et est venue après elle à plusieurs reprises malgré une défaite apparemment écrasante à chaque rencontre. Avant de rencontrer Naruto, Shizuka avait vaincu Kokuyō quatre-vingt-dix-huit fois, détruisant à chaque fois facilement sa marionnette et l’envoyant voler.

Personnalité Shizuka Naruto

Après la mort de Sagiri, Shizuka a eu le cœur brisé et a cessé d’aimer pour ne plus jamais perdre quelqu’un qui lui était cher et pour qu’elle puisse devenir plus forte. Tokiwa croit qu’elle ne fait que se punir elle-même. Pendant son séjour avec Sagiri, elle a également exprimé son objection à la loi de son village, dans l’espoir de la changer. Après avoir entendu la détermination de Naruto à rendre Sakura plus heureuse, elle décide de devenir beaucoup plus puissante et, un jour, de trouver quelqu’un à aimer sans avoir à le forcer.

Apparence Shizuka

Shizuka est une fille à la peau claire de taille moyenne avec une corpulence athlétique mais courbée. Elle a les yeux verts et les cheveux noirs jusqu’à la taille dans une coupe de style hime nouée dans une queue de cheval haute avec une frange courte et des mèches jusqu’au menton encadrant son visage. Normalement, elle porte un kimono vert clair ou une robe à capuche beige lorsqu’elle ne se bat pas. Pendant ses missions, elle a un protecteur frontal noir et porte l’uniforme kunoichi moulant de son village; elle est de couleur grise avec un protège-épaule droit, des gants gris et une ouverture dans sa chemise qui révèle une partie de son décolleté important.

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Capacités Shizuka

Shizuka est un kunoichi très compétent et puissant. Elle a montré une grande maîtrise des armes, incorporant le kunai dans ses techniques telles que la performance de danse Deep Crimson de style Nadeshiko, une technique que Tokiwa a félicitée Naruto pour être capable d’esquiver ainsi que la performance de danse: Second Step où elle tourne dans les airs tout en libérant une volée de kunai sur l’ennemi, augmentant considérablement sa portée.

Nature Transformation

Elle a également montré sa capacité à utiliser les techniques de libération du vent. L’utiliser aux côtés de son taijutsu pour augmenter considérablement la létalité d’attaques telles que ses techniques De Coupe Tournante Hardliner de style Nadeshiko et Gale Fist de style Nadeshiko. Elle a également utilisé la technique du tourbillon violent, où elle crache un jet d’air à haute pression assez puissant pour dissiper les clones de l’ombre en un instant.

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Partie II

La vie paradisiaque sur un bateau

Apparemment poursuivi par Kokuyō qui veut lui prendre la main de force en mariage, Shizuka détruit facilement son robot marionnette en l’envoyant s’envoler. Il est révélé qu’elle et son serviteur Tokiwa étaient en route vers le Pays du Feu pour trouver l’élève de Jiraiya qu’il avait négligemment promis qu’il devrait un jour combattre Shizuka et prendre sa main en mariage. Ayant trouvé Naruto, Shizuka l’engagea bientôt dans la bataille.

En lançant sa performance de danse Deep Crimson de style Nadeshiko et ses techniques Dance Performance: Second Step et Violent Whirlwind, elle est capable de le tenir à distance tout en envoyant ses clones d’ombre. Cependant, lorsqu’elle s’installe pour la tuerie, pensant que Naruto a été vaincu, elle est surprise de voir qu’il ne s’agissait que d’un clone de l’ombre. Leur bataille est cependant interrompue à nouveau par Kokuyō, mais Shizuka détruit facilement sa marionnette géante. Cette fois, cependant, la technique de liaison de l’âme des cent marionnettes de Kokuyō est activée et Shizuka tombe sous le contrôle de Kokuyō. Elle est cependant sauvée par Naruto qui envoie facilement Kokuyō. Après cela, Naruto lui parle des règles de son village et du pouvoir de les changer, lui révélant dans le processus qu’il a le béguin pour quelqu’un d’autre. Avec cela, Shizuka a changé d’avis et après avoir vu Naruto, elle jure de devenir plus forte pour elle certaine personne.

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