Shuichi Saihara is a Japanese journalist and author who has written extensively on the history of Japan. He is the author of a comprehensive guide to Japan’s history, which can be found here. Saihara’s book provides an in-depth look at Japan’s history from its earliest days to the present day. It covers everything from the origins of Japan to its current political and social situation. The book is divided into five main sections: The Prehistoric Period; The Jomon Period; The Kamakura Period; The Meiji Period; and The Taishō Period. Each section contains a variety of topics, including historical figures, events, and trends. Saihara provides an excellent overview of Japan’s history, making it an essential read for anyone interested in learning more about the country’s past.

Appearance Shuichi Saihara

The majority times, Shuichi Saihara wears a black cap, with three white stripes running along the back as well as a silver star close to the front. Under it, Shuichi wears long dark blue hair, with tiny ahoge. His skin is very pale and a slim silhouette. His eyes are greyish gambogeish and have long eyelashes.

Shuichi’s attire is double-breasted. It also pinstripes, thin grey stripes on the black uniform. His pants are in line with his uniform design, black and the pinstripe pattern to highlight his legs that are long. The school’s emblem from his former high school is displayed on the pocket at the breast of his uniform. The pocket is accented by an unassuming golden hue to make it stand out from his boring, dark outfit. The sneakers are dark blue, which are trendy and easy to walk around in and allow him to walk around without discomfort.

The prologue shows he’s wearing his school uniform from the high school he attended in his youth. He is dressed in a blazer-style casual uniform, with a pants, jacket and a tie that is striped blue. The collar on his shirt is big, which makes his appearance more stunning. He is never able to let go of the cap , which interferes with his vision regardless of whether it is a good match for his outfit.

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Personality Shuichi Saihara

Saihara Shuichi seems to have an empathetic and serious personality. He frequently makes negative comments and often smirks. He also is often in a sweat. Because of his uncertain demeanor it is easy to believe that others have more experience than he can, and is seen as a suspect on first sight. In the group of 16 students, he’s an individual who is not only notable because of his pity, as well as his calm demeanor.

Yet, Shuichi Saihara can also have an attitude of strength when the situation requires it. Shuichi is the first person to instantly suggest that he pursue the mastermind in chapter 1. He does everything he can to catch them, showing the ability to be proactive. His hat is a sensitive subject for him, and He isn’t a fan of looking into people’s eyes. This is the reason he wears the hat. When he met Miu Iruma and accusing Shuichi of being a pervert for no explanation, which caused him to shout at her to get away from her. She said that men wear hats so that they can hide their stares and it was clearly stupid, and Shuichi angryly stated that it’s not necessary to wear an cap.

Although he’s highly skilled and skilled with superior skills and insight, Shuichi lacks self-confidence, because he believes that he’s not accomplished enough to earn the title of famous detective. Shuichi also believes the he isn’t worthy of his Ultimate title since he just was able in the course of solving a crime in the course of chance, frequently calling himself “kind as a detective” however Kaede Akamatsu claims she doesn’t think something similar to this could be likely. 

As a bonus character, Kaede finds himself feeling inferior to his the other Ultimate Detective, Kyoko Kirigiri who has more time as a detective than he does. But, he admits Kaede Kaede that his main issue in detective work stems from the first murder it solved, which caused him the fear of revealing the truth, something that a true detective would never do according to him. He is scared of consequences, guilt and fear of being a victim of hatred as well as the harm he may cause if he divulges the truth.

When Shuichi experiences depression and depressed, he will stay in his bedroom and does not eat or shower. Sometimes, it’s possible to feel suicidal, however he is able to move around by relying on his friends’ help. With Kaede reassuring her that she believes in him and that he must feel more confident about his own abilities, Shuichi promises he will take a shot, but it’s unclear if the ability is there. 

When Kaede decides to focus all her attention on him and trust Shuichi prior to her execution and Kaito’s help Shuichi’s veil of timidity breaks significantly and he stops wearing his hat, deciding the hat was “getting out of his way”. He starts to display greater confidence in his skills as a detective as well as when dealing with others. He plays a significant role in each Class Trial after the first one, deciding to not ignore the truth any longer and reaffirming his word to Kaede. Also, He becomes more expressive than before, showing an outrage that was overwhelming during the last Class Trial after revealing to his colleagues the fact that Kaede was executed without just cause.

Shuichi is also known to take relationships with romantic partners very seriously. In Shuichi’s Free Time Events, when Kaede asks whether he is insecure about romantic relationships with women because of the many difficult adultery cases during his detective work He firmly denies it and claims that he will never compromise his vows. In the Love Suite Event with K1-B0 the robot reveals that he’s just slightly uncomfortable with the notion of dating the robot due to being in a position where he believes that he’s asking for an untrue relationship. He informs K1-B0 that he does not wish to be in a relationship that is based on lies, however, he happily is willing to enter into an intimate relationship when he admits that the two are truly loving Shuichi. 

In the general sense, Saihara Shuichi is shown to be shy about romance, however, he’s also extremely friendly and eager to make someone else satisfied, even in fantasies such as those of the Love Suite Events. As he’s somewhat condescending, some characters mock Shuichi by saying he’s a masochist in Chapter 4, since Shuichi often appears so happy to follow orders (mostly by Kaito). Miu makes use of this to make him feel a bit bossy and Shuichi is a little sad by the fact that everybody thinks of him in that way. In one of the talks at the beginning of the Miu’s Free Time Events, he does not even listen to Miu’s suggestions and plays with her as if she were dogs. Miu even refers to him as Kaede’s “little beta boy toy” in the beginning of the test.

It was later discovered it was Team Danganronpa created Shuichi’s character of the “weakest Ultimate Detective ever” and had plenty of room to develop his character. The character’s original appearance was revealed as a nervous and disturbed individual, who was a huge fan of Danganronpa and its detectives. He said the show was his favorite and he would take on any task to be participant in the drama. He was seen to be excitedly planning the murders of his dreams and even his own detective-themed execution. But, it is to be noted that it’s unclear if this is actually true, and may have been a fabrication committed by the mastermind as outlined by Shuichi.

Contrary to the expectations of Team Danganronpa, it appears that although Kaede was the perfect character for the team’s plans, Shuichi is actually the kind of character required to put an end to the Killing Game and the series for good. He chose to give up hope and despair, deciding to leave the game, refusing to vote, and eventually closing the series. Although he isn’t as optimistic as Kaede power, charisma, and strength but he’s also significantly more intelligent than Kaede.

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Creation and Development About Shuichi Saihara

Saihara Shuichi was designed to be the real principal protagonist of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony.

Shuichi’s backstory ties in with Shinichi Kudo, a character from Detective Conan/Case Closing, in which he is also the main character, and also a renowned high school detective. He also the parents of Shuichi are mystery writers and an ex-film star who lives in the United States and who have an “hands-off” method of raising their children.

The voice actress who plays Shuichi, Megumi Hayashibara, was chosen to provide Shuichi’s Japanese voice. The primary reason Hayashibara who usually does not voice masculine characters, was selected to portray Shuichi is due to her an extensive and rich experience with detective characters. Hayashibara assisted the Danganronpa team to make Shuichi have a deeper background in order to create him as a detective. 


The first name of his kanji, (Zhong Yi ) shuichi, signifies “last one” while his last Kanji, Zui Yuan Saihara, could be a reference to “prime field” or “conspicuous wilderness”.

Shuichi’s initial name foreshadows his role in the story since it translates to “end the first” and Shuichi was the one who completed his role in the Danganronpa series. Saihara Shuichi is his full name. Saihara Shuichi could also be changed to Saishu which is Saishu, the Japanese term used to describe the name for the University Academy of gifted Juveniles.

Alternate Fates

The film Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (Demo Version), Saihara Shuichi was first noticed at the end of the hallway, and then he declared himself the ultimate detective in the presence of Kaede Akamatsu. He acknowledged that he does not have the right to be called that. Following his murder Yasuhiro Hagakure took place He was seen inside the cafeteria looking into where the murder weapon came from.

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Ultimate Detective

Shuichi’s talents to be the Ultimate Detective comes from a fake created through Team Danganronpa. In the end, as shown in the investigation, Shuichi was a normal high school student with no talent as extraordinary as Ultimate Detective whatsoever.

Saihara Shuichi is an exceptionally competent detective who is capable of solving murder cases quicker than police however, he claims that he was able to solve the case on luck. But Kokichi Oma’s hidden society is so elusive that even Shuichi isn’t able to be aware of any group that is linked to it.

As a detective Shuichi Saihara is a sharp mind and is an incisive thinker. Although he can be a bit shy when speaking to strangers however, he can be seen as more calm and firm in his analysis and analysis. He suggests that there could be an “mastermind” within the group of students based on Monokuma’s assertions. After the first test, he’s able find the truth more quickly than others, however, he isn’t willing to share it due to his “fear of speaking what is true”. However, he becomes more confident in this area as we progress in the game.

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Relationships Of Shuichi Saihara



Saihara Shuichi is extremely grateful to his uncle who took the man in and taking good charge of him following the fact that his parents moved abroad. To show his appreciation the family, he became his uncle’s assistant . He also learned how to become a detective following his uncle’s lead. He had no intention of becoming an actual detective and was simply working to help. Although Shuichi is anxious about becoming an investigator but he isn’t likely to be averse to it. He is a good uncle, and they are very close.


Saihara Shuichi has a bad relation to his parents, even though he attempts to cover the issue by saying that he has no negative story about his parents. His parents are an screenwriter and actor and are considered to be celebrities by the majority of people, however Shuichi does not see them as celebrities. After moving in another country to conduct business, they left Shuichi to reside with his uncle and he seems to be bitter when discussing them, even if his attempts to make a smile. Shuichi’s parents have been neglectful and do not want to be around him, and Shuichi has claimed that their method of being their parents has been “hands-off parental style”.

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Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles:

Kaede Akamatsu

Saihara Shuichi appears to have faith in Kaede she is reassured by saying to her to “if she’s the one to do it, she’s got the ability to do it”. His presence seems to make Kaede at ease, thanks to his role as a detective, even though she admits that he’s to be undependable. She even tries to improve the confidence of Shuichi by giving him pep talk. 

Shuichi Saihara admitted that she did not have an excuse to believe Kaede in the event of murder that annoys her however she eventually comes to accept the fact that she believes that he can solve the case in the event that he put his thoughts to the task. But it changed once the two began to look into their school in tandem, and Shuichi began to admire her for her persistence and determination, and put her all trust in her. Shuichi even bows to Miu as they both asked her to be an inventor. He followed following Kaede was the first to bow, which is a surprise and awes the pianist.

Since the two have were spending the majority of their time with each other, many students noticed this, and some thought they were lovers in some way, with Miu even making a crude assumption that they’re in sexual relations. Kokichi was also cheeky and asked Kaede about the lengths she’s gone to with Shuichi and then claimed that he was referring to the length of time they’ve spent investigating the place when she inquires what was the meaning behind this.

Relying on one another when it was time to go set The two were able to work together to install cameras at the library to capture the mastermind and take pictures of anyone who shows up. Collaboration like this builds the bonds that exists between Shuichi and Kaede and Kaede, particularly when they’ve set them up and remain on guard in the classroom. Then, Shuichi confesses to Kaede that he’s not confident in his abilities and position as a detective. He explains the murder case he had to solve and the reason the suspect murdered the victim. She encourages him by saying that no matter how it’s difficult the fact is that he brought the light on a horrible crime, and he ought to be proud of that. As she puts her hands on hisshoulder, she advises him to be more assertive and to keep his chin straight and to respond by saying he’ll give it to do his best.

Saihara Shuichi was shocked to learn that Kaede killed Rantaro He was furious and demanded to know the reason Kaede loved others so often, to the point that she committed murder in order in order to save all. However, his fury quickly dissipated as he was reminded Kaede was to be executed. He was later shown as having tried for her rescue, however the attempt failed since Kaede was already beyond his reach. Shuichi was left watching with awe in awe as Kaede had to be executed.

Though he was hurt by Kaede’s alleged treachery, Shuichi still cried over her loss. He was imagining her playing the piano following an incident, then became inspired to keep going and leave the school in her honor. He is still thinking of her every now and then like in Chapter 3, where Korekiyo asks Shuichi for permission to speak about the deaf. Shuichi is intrigued by the concept for a moment but is convinced that there’s just “one girl” who he would like to speak to again. It is very possible that the girl was thinking of Kaede However, Shuichi is quick to dismiss the idea since he believes that talking to dead people is not possible and he would have desired to speak to Kaede after leaving the school, to inform her that they did it.

When Maki began to realize her feelings towards Kaito and was struggling to seek for advice from Shuichi She asked him if he enjoyed Kaede. Shuichi considered Kaede assuring him by holding his hand and indicating that he believed that he really liked Kaede. But, Maki then pointed out that it’s odd to start to feel affection for someone who you have met in the past which angered Shuichi somewhat, particularly because Maki did not want to discuss her private life and what she was planning to talk about.

Chapter 6 as the true story of the murder of Rantaro comes to the fore, Shuichi is enraged at the injustice Kaede was subjected to, having been misled into committing an offense she did not commit and, consequently, was not executed. He was shocked after Tsumugi stated that Kaede did not encourage him, but since the mastermind made her behave like that, and that the actual Kaede would never have made such statements.

In the Love Suite fantasy event, Shuichi was Kaede’s boyfriend. They had their first anniversary celebration. Kaede was furious because Shuichi didn’t refer to her as “sweetheart” instead of her name instead. According to the traditional Japanese, Shuichi was asked to refer to her by her name, not the usual way of referring Kaede as “Akamatsu-san.” But, when Shuichi attempted to call her “sweetheart” in the very first instance, each find it difficult to get their heads back in order and in particular Kaede is stunned. Believing that she is in danger, Shuichi asked her if she’s okay, and then was calling her Kaede repeatedly which caused her to point out with some annoyance that he kept calling Kaede this. Shuichi apologized however Kaede responds that she’s fine and, a little hesitantly, admitted she really enjoys his passive nature. Shuichi did a smirk and was quiet, which caused Kaede to remind him not to do it again and also to mention that she was very embarrassing as well. In a flash, Kaede hugged Shuichi and they fell to the mattress. Shuichi was frightened however, Kaede demanded that he embrace her more tightly. Kaede acknowledges that Shuichi’s heartbeat is her most favorite song and she believes that when Shuichi is encouraging her, she’s able to do anything. Then, Kaede asks if Shuichi would “do this in her presence” and she is pulled closer to him , without ever saying a word. It’s assumed the possibility that Kaede and Shuichi were sexually involved after the event.

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Kaito Momota

Kaito soon becomes Shuichi’s close partner after Kaede’s death They soon form a close friendship. Following the time Kaede was executed during the first trial Kaito declares that Shuichi is the one who irritates him the most. He immediately hit him in the face. He claims that he’s mad Shuichi did nothing to protest against Monokuma. Kaito also said that it was disrespectful Kaede’s memory and not do anything. Kaito is not averse when other defendants complain about him punching Shuichi however, and after everyone has left the courtroom Kaito recommends Shuichi go to Kaede’s talent lab. He mentions that, although Monokuma created it, it was stuffed with items Kaede liked. After leaving, Shuichi is guided by his suggestion and makes a visit to Kaede’s laboratory.

In the morning the incident, Shuichi’s roommate comes over to apologize for shouting and punching him. He informs him that he’s coming in order to bring Shuichi out for breakfast. It was discovered that Kaito is a frequent visitor to Shuichi frequently and asks to hang with him. He even becomes Shuichi’s “sidekick”. They work together on research and support each other, Kaito saying that if Shuichi is in need of help, he’ll always be there to assist him. If Saihara Shuichi is stuck by clues during his Class Trial or feeling unconfident of his capabilities, Kaito helps Shuichi by encouraging him and remaining by his side. The version that was originally released, Japanese versions, Kaito started to call Shuichi by his first name, whereas calling Shuichi “bro” as in the English version, which proves that Shuichi and Kaito shared a close connection.

They are distant in Chapter 4 due to the fact that Shuichi decided to doubt Gonta as the murderer of Miu who is actually controlled by Kokichi. Kaito who is not willing to accept that Shuichi did not agree with him as a detective is dismayed and begins to disengage himself. But the two are able to rekindle their relationship in Episode 5 when Kaito continues to encourage Shuichi to trust in him and Kaito shortly prior to the murder taking place.

Shuichi was deeply saddened to find out the fact that Kaito had been the man who had killed Kokichi during Chapter 5. Kaito revealed to Shuichi it was in fact in fact, in awe at Shuichi for his deductive skills. Thanks to his reasoning they were able survive, surviving numerous Class Trials. Kaito was able to make him promise to not be crying, but Shuichi was unable to follow the promise. When Maki inquired by Maki whether he felt alone in the absence of Kaito absent, Shuichi confirmed this and acknowledges the fact that Kaito is the sole reason he’s alive. He was again inspired by the loss of a friend, as well as determined to continue moving forward. Many of Shuichi’s fond memories of the killing game were attributed to Kaito and Kaito, proving that he remembered Kaito as a dear buddy and friend.

In Chapter 6 Saihara Shuichi was upset when he realized that Kaito’s and his friendship is a part of the fabricated story as is Kaito’s character. Yet, Shuichi felt motivated by K1-B0’s story as he believed their bond is real.

Overall, Shuichi Saihara greatly admires Kaito for his integrity and kindness however, he also recognizes his more snarky moments. According to Shuichi that he’s not been around anyone similar to Kaito and he claims that his fears and anxieties are a thing of the past within the company of Kaito. He believes it could be something he’s been missing all along and believes that “only people like Kaito can give him the information is needed to be told”. In Kaito’s Free Time Events, Shuichi is even a little agitated by his personal thoughts and feelings about Kaito in light of the fact that Kaito is a boy. When it comes to Kaito’s Love Suite Event, he is also upset when Kaito is pushed against the wall, and he is concerned about staying in a peaceful state when Kaito being so close to the wall in such a situation. in Chapter 4 after all the students agree the idea that Shuichi can be described as a masochist Maki makes a serious point that Shuichi always seems so content when Kaito makes him an order and is content as the sidekick and that he may be into this kind of thing.

Maki Harukawa

Shuichi Saihara and Maki enjoyed a great relationship following the chapters 2 events, following Kaito introduced Maki to their regimen of training. The three ended up performing exercises together, even though Maki beat the other two boys in everything they attempted. Shuichi was impressed by Maki’s talents and the trio began to get together every night for these workouts. As they grew closer Maki started to become more comfortable with Shuichi but she was unsure about trusting other people. Despite her cold and intimidating manner of speaking, Shuichi is one of the students who is able to trust Maki despite her reputation being an assassin.

Even though Saihara Shuichi initially was only a fan of Maki due to Kaito however, he begins to truly love and trust in Maki’s. in Chapter 3 as Maki admits to him that she doesn’t feel like her inability to feel “human”, Shuichi assured her that he was able to understand, since he also has doubts about his role as an investigator. This is why Shuichi was adamantly in support of Kaito’s decision of removing Maki’s “mask” because Shuichi believed that he was the only person who can assist her in revealing her true feelings.

When murders are committed, Maki often reminds Shuichi to “get an edge” because he’s the detective. She also assisted Shuichi during the investigation of Chapter 3 by helping him formulate hypotheses and uncovering clues. In the course of discussing Tenko’s final hours, Shuichi and Maki work together to deny Tenko dying immediately to ensure that she isn’t capable of killing herself in the cage despite Maki being the person who suggested this strategy initially. Shuichi said to Maki she had helped her a lot during the investigation, however Maki only stated she was surprised to find him reliable throughout the investigation.

In the course of this virtual universe in chapter 4. Maki made it the effort to remind Shuichi that he’s still a person prior to becoming a detective which he’s taken aback by even though she’s been telling that he’s more trustworthy in an investigation into murder than in daily life. It’s clear that the two are becoming close to one another and she asks if she’s alright, as well as checking Kaito is okay, and making sure that Kaito Kaito aren’t fighting after Shuichi has to force him out to check the effects of something.

Their relationship has become slightly frayed after Kokichi took Kaito. After Maki tried to rescue him, Shuichi held her back in fear of her safety, and claimed the he doesn’t care if Maki is unhappy with his decisionor was planning to kill the man. While Maki does not back down, she screams at Maki a coward, much which Shuichi is not happy about. During the trial’s fifth Maki repeatedly tries to make the crime appear like her own faultby intimidating and slamming Shuichi even when she claims that Kaito was the only one who survived, and claiming Kaito was into her way of defeating Kokichi. Shuichi was obviously shocked by the fact that Maki didn’t share his conviction that Kaito’s life was saved since he believed she would stand with him on the issue. However, he believed in Maki as it began to appear that Maki was the one responsible and was happy when Maki’s story proved to be untrue and proved she wasn’t Kaito’s murderer. However, they had a heated argument following Shuichi claimed that Kaito killed Kokichi until Kaito emerged and confirmed Shuichi’s claim.

After Kaito’s execution at Chapter 5 Maki and Saihara Shuichi returned to their usual place of training and had a brief, however emotional discussion regarding the incident that taken place, seemingly putting their past disagreement behind them and strengthening their relationship. Together with Tsumugi and Himiko They training together and mourned Kaito. Shuichi and Maki will then decide to stop The Killing Game together along with all the others.

In Chapter 6 Saihara Shuichi and Maki depend on each other when they go through their school. Shuichi expressed joy at the possibility that Maki and Maki are at a stage where he is able to tell that she’s laughing. In the previous test, it was due to Maki and K1-B0’s proposal to give up her life that prompted Shuichi to abstain from voting, since Shuichi admitted that the idea of Maki losing her life terrified him because of what was happening in the case of Kaede as well as Kaito. Shuichi offered Maki the courage to end this Killing Game, which resulted in her abstaining from voting too. Maki and Shuichi together with Himiko were able to survive together, and escaped to the world outside.

In the Love Suite Event, Shuichi Saihara was an infant of the orphanage that was Maki. Maki claims she was surprised that even with Shuichi and her having been together for ten years, she was unable to know what he was talking about. Shuichi is confused, and Maki informs him that he was taken to the orphanage just before he started the elementary school. Shuichi is a bit confused and Maki agrees. Maki continues to say that she isn’t sure the whole story about Shuichi. Then he asks her what she believes she’s not aware of everything about Shuichi. She blushes, as Shuichi is confused. Maki states she remembers that Shuichi was a kid who played at home with other children and that it was challenging for her. Then she asks Shuichi what he was thinking about when he decided to have an actual family with her, instead of a fake one. Maki is then silent, and Shuichi inquires about what’s going on. Maki was able to gently hold Shuichi’s hand , and she says she noticed something was different. Also, Maki states that she wants to establish an actual relationship together with Shuichi and not just a fake one. Harukawa Maki then wants Shuichi to guarantee she’ll be with her. Shuichi will then smile to confirm his response.

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Kokichi Oma

Saihara Shuichi did not trust Kokichi because of his deceitful and unpredictability of his actions. But, at times, he felt as if he could not sense the slightest hint of malice from Kokichi’s smile. To his credit, Kokichi appeared to be amused and in a way, he was fond of Shuichi and said that Shuichi is “decently uninteresting” this is an uncommon and significant compliment from Kokichi. It’s implied that Kokichi is in love with Shuichi. He often refers to him as”his” or his “beloved Saihara-chan” in the Japanese version, and sometimes refers to him as “mister Detective” as well as “mister ultimate detective”. He’s also been known to call Shuichi “Shumai” in an in-joke for Kaito’s “Maki Roll” nickname for Maki. Kokichi loves his company and considers him to be the most fascinating people in the group and has been praised by his character sometimes. Kokichi has repeatedly stated that he’s “constantly contemplating” Shuichi, and claims that he is the one whom he is the most passionate about. On his whiteboard, it’s evident it’s evident that Kokichi has a positive, but slightly ambiguous perception of Shuichi as he regards him as “trustworthy?”. Given his aversion to boredom, it appears that Kokichi is fascinated by the development of Shuichi. In the course of trials Kokichi is not always able to divulge Shuichi’s secrets even though he knows about the lies. He also joked about Shuichi’s anxious behavior by calling his hat “emo cape” and called Shuichi and Tsumugi the “plain couple”.

Although he loves playing with his friend, Kokichi appears to feel some affection for Shuichi and is not willing to harm Shuichi. In the course of his free-time events, Kokichi tries to “kill” Shuichi and involves him in a variety of insanity and pranks, however, Kokichi also makes sure Shuichi isn’t hurt and tries to play with him using phrases. Kokichi also invites Shuichi to a tea-party and suggests Shuichi may join his organization and not need to die. In the final occasion, Kokichi hurts himself by playing the Knife Game and Shuichi takes charge of him with worry. Kokichi is delighted and informs Shuichi the result, and confuses the detective, who responds that the game was not even played. Kokichi informs him that it’s possible to win games without actually playing them, and hints at the final outcome of the killing game. He later claims that there was no intention to murder him. Because he’s caused Shuichi think of him all the time He claims that he has already “killed” Shuichi through “stealing the heart of his”.

In the second trial’s reverse route, Kokichi notices Shuichi’s lie However, he chooses not to speak about it; instead, he assists Shuichi in presenting the evidence of Kirumi’s wrongdoing as Kirumi is the only person to be able to commit the crime. Shuichi considers Kokichi’s action as an “unexpected assistance”.

In Chapter 3, as students discuss the ritual of resurrection, Kokichi claims he’d rather have Kaede over Rantaro to return to life since it’s going to make Shuichi content.

In Chapter 4, as everyone is in The Neo World Program, Kokichi declares that he’d cry when something happened for Shuichi with a worried look. If they’re all alone and he wants to offer his assistance to Shuichi by saying that he’d like to help him, but also help Shuichi too. He tries to break up Shuichi and Kaito and Kaito, and tells Shuichi that he’s his friend rather than. Kokichi claims he’s able to assist Shuichi and save everyone else but Shuichi does not trust Kokichi and walks away without ever saying a word. 

Kokichi is then silently muttering to himself about being rejected and disapproved by Shuichi and he promises he will not give up that quickly. Oma Kokichi is then able to assist Shuichi in the course of his investigation and starts calling Shuichi’s partner. Also, Kokichi attempts to stop Kaito far from Shuichi by claiming the fact that Kaito and his views can be a threat to Shuichi as well. Shuichi can be the sole person who can help Kaito and his beliefs.

During the fourth-class exam, Kokichi keeps making fun of Kaito and Shuichi, particularly when Kaito and Shuichi are at odds. Kokichi also continues to praise Shuichi and then smugly reveals when Shuichi is in agreement with his views and constantly praising the way Kokichi and Shuichi collaborate. Shuichi is usually still during these times and appears to be uneasy and uncertain of Kokichi’s motives. However Shuichi does attempt to convince Kokichi to put it down when he claims that Shuichi did not believe that he was “dissing” Kaito during their disagreement , even though this isn’t actually the case. Shuichi becomes increasingly uneasy about Kokichi and then uses to lie about Kokichi, which appears to be shocking Kokichi. 

Kokichi appears to be extremely angry by this and claims that Shuichi is lying to him. He then decides to ruin his enjoyment being a police officer by disclosing the truth behind the investigation. Kokichi generally is angry and irritated because the other students dislike lying so much even when they’re innocent and are used to benefit and good. He mocks them once the truth that they cherish so much proves to be so hurtful and difficult to believe. After the execution of Gonta Kokichi is seen to lose a bit of his sanity, and starts to act out exaggeratedly “evil”. When he refers to Kaito “pathetic”, Shuichi responds to him by declaring the fact that Kaito constantly has Kaito at his side, however, nobody would ever want to be around Kokichi. Shuichi tells Kokichi that he’s alone and will always be that way, and this seems to impact Kokichi and his face is blank, and he complains that it’s boring now and isn’t interested any more. In the final, Shuichi considers Kokichi an “embodiment of lies”.

The Kokichi Love Suite scene, his dream is of him becoming an infamous thief taken prisoner by his arch-enemy who is Shuichi Saihara, the police detective. Shuichi Saihara. The scene involving a lot of tension between the two. It is revealed that Kokichi allowed himself to be captured deliberately and actually wants to be bound and “interrogated” in a manner that is gruelling, however Shuichi doesn’t want to harm him and is baffled by the situation which may disappoint Kokichi slightly. Shuichi is acting very reluctantly, and Kokichi insists it doesn’t matter what Shuichi feels, even though Kokichi later claims it was a lie. 

Kokichi is asked whether Shuichi is angry as Kokichi feels that Kokichi plays with his emotions and says that his mind is always full of memories of Shuichi. He attempts to trick Shuichi by saying Kokichi is in the company of Kokichi’s subordinates however, Shuichi knows he’s lying. Kokichi is then honest and admits that he would like to be snatched by Shuichi and doesn’t care what Shuichi will do to him. He says it in a feminine voice, declaring that it’s true, and displaying a blank face which is implied as a sign of sincerity in Kokichi. As Shuichi is unable to make any moves, Kokichi says he wants to play with him, play things with him, and then pushes him to the bed. Shuichi attempts to convince Kokichi to be patient, nervous and agitated at the moment, which changes Kokichi into a very serious and quiet. He then claims that the incident was not real and runs off that is a bit confusing for Shuichi further and He yells at Kokichi. Kokichi wishes that another boy could remain but quickly puts aside the thought. Before going out, Kokichi says he wishes to play more fun with the detective in the next time they get together.

The only fantasy scene where Saihara Shuichi is playing his role as a detective and is astonished. Shuichi insists in his thinking that they’re different in other fantasy stories and could suggest that Kokichi really is attracted by his character.

In the bonus phase, Shuichi Saihara realizes that he can’t change Kokichi’s lies which is an integral aspect of him. Instead, he should attempt to understand the man and his lies. At the end of the day, Shuichi blushes while admitting to himself that he’s fascinated by Kokichi and is enticed by him and constantly wanting to learn more about the man. Shuichi suggests that they keep the relationship going even once they have left the academy.

At one time, in Bonus mode Kokichi declares that he really respects police officers who take on the criminals but are criticized by the general public. He adds that this is the case for detectives, and provides Shuichi an unintentionally flattering note of praise by saying that he’s remarkable for doing such a boring and non-profitable jobs. It is interesting to note that, for the first time the interviewer doesn’t say any aspect of it being true or not in the exchange.

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Tsumugi Shirogane

They were on good terms with one another and tried to aid one another in the problem. In Chapter 6, however, Shuichi was furious and shocked when he realized it was Tsumugi was the one who orchestrated the entire killing scheme. However, he would like her to defend herself and prove that his conclusion was wrong, proving that he does not consider her less of an acquaintance or friend or comrade, and does not wish to slam her.

After she admits to his claims to be the person responsible for killing Rantaro and then framed Kaede for the death of Rantaro, Shuichi seemed to have cut off all relationships with her, and set his own goal to stop Kaede and put an end to the murder game. Shuichi was depressed and irritable when Tsumugi revealed to him that his feelings, memories, talents, and even his personality were all invented to play the game of killing, however Shuichi is returned to his senses when K1-B0 rebukes Shuichi to never let go and despair.

When they were at Their Free Time Events, the two were quite a good match. Shuichi would talk to Tsumugi on what was like to be cosplayers, how much effort and time is required to do it, and also how she got into cosplay in the first instance. In the final analysis, Tsumugi believes that Shuichi might have developed an interest in the cosplay industry through their conversations and urges her to experiment with any outfit of his choice, believing that he could look amazing in everything. 

While they brainstormed suggestions, Tsumugi coincidentally listed off White Kanata as a costume that he could look great in, and it just happened to be his favourite hero. Tsumugi was thrilled upon discovering the two of them had the same interests, since her friend who encouraged her to participate in cosplay was also wore White Kanata. She grasped his hand and swung her hands up and down however, she was embarrassed when she realized that they held hands apologized, then dropped the hand and hinted an attraction. At the end of the day, Shuichi agreed to go to a party with her, and to try cosplaying out for the first time, believing that they’d become real friends.

But, with Tsumugi’s position as the mastermind of her role as the mastermind of Killing School Semester, and her deceitful character it’s not clear how authentic this friendship is or if it’s real at all.

in the Love Suite scene, Shuichi played the role of Tsumugi’s stepbrother. Shuichi was shocked by the fact that Tsumugi stated that she liked him as a person, not a brother. Tsumugi was uneasy when Shuichi did not address her by her initials. She was feeling down and she asked Shuichi to cheer her up by putting his hand on her cheek. She did so to his cheek. This Shuichi was embarrassed by. Shuichi was shocked to realize that the two were acting as a couple, however, they were actually Tsumugi did not realize that Shuichi not becoming her love. At the end of the day, Tsumugi told Shuichi that she was his favorite and suggested that they had sexual relations following the conversation.

Gonta Gokuhara

Saihara Shuichi generally treat Gonta with a kind and patient way, since Shuichi knows Gonta’s character. Gonta is an extremely gentle as well as innocent. However, he may be a little scared whenever Gonta gets angry. It is also possible that he feels somewhat uncomfortable with Gonta’s manner of dealing with him. Gonta places him on a pedestal due either to his kindness towards Gonta or simply because he seems to was knowledgeable about gentlemen. In Gonta’s Free Time Events, Shuichi assists Gonta to see himself as a more valuable person.

In the fourth trial Shuichi Saihara is stunned by the notion about Gonta being the one to blame and ponders for a moment whether the mistake in the virtual world could have changed his personality. But, unlike other students, he has a rational thought and is willing to talk about the possibility because it is his responsibility to determine the truth, regardless of how painful. Even as it becomes increasingly evident the fact that Gonta is the perpetrator, Shuichi continues to treat the shocked and crying Gonta with respect and compassion and stops Kokichi from making him feel worse. In a calm but serious tone, he starts to outline the investigation and informs Gonta that he’s able to let him know when Gonta is convinced and they can conclude the case. After the execution of Gonta the last time, he appears briefly crying, just like Tsumugi or Himiko.

In the Love Suite scene, Shuichi is a part of Gonta’s fantasies about having a partner to host a party, but initially, he’s confused and doesn’t like being the role of a lady despite the fact that it’s a apparent in the scene. Gonta is shocked by the kindness of Shuichi, and despite Shuichi’s efforts soothe him He grabs his shoulders and falls onto the bed. Shuichi is frightened by Gonta’s huge body sitting upon top of him and Gonta immediately rises and is shocked at what he’s done regardless of the fact that it’s an accident. Also, Shuichi attempts to assure him that it’s fine however Gonta is very embarrassed because Gonta realized that Shuichi was afraid, and assures him that Gonta would never wish to cause harm to Gonta. In addition, Shuichi is a little surprised and pleased that Gonta was aware of his anxiety at this point and assures Gonta with smiles and assures him that he’s fine and they’ll be able to continue their practice. Gonta says he’ll be the wonderful partner and care for Shuichi and this is what Shuichi believes in as he responds Gonta’s kindness by offering his hand. Shuichi believes that Gonta is a gentleman, but the conversation is damaged by Gonta’s belief that “keep you awake for the whole night” is a manner of responding to the situation.

Rantaro Amami

When Rantaro was with Kaede as well as Shuichi, Saihara seemed confused about what Rantaro said that everyone was gathering and then becoming amnesiac. Shuichi believes he’s in something else and may have clues to his past. Rantaro is believed to have faith in Shuichi’s talents and regards him to be a true detective, even when Shuichi himself does not. Then, in Chapter 1 Shuichi turned quite hostile toward Rantaro due to his suspicions that he was the mastermind, and he was also forgetting his abilities.

The Love Suite event, Rantaro plays the role of an individual tutor or teacher for Shuichi. Since the situation is a reflection of how the two families interact Rantaro with his children He treats Shuichi as a child which makes him uncomfortable. This is why Rantaro thought that Shuichi dislikes him, however Shuichi does not deny the accusation. Rantaro is happy that Shuichi does not dislike him, but he reveals that he won’t be his instructor, since it is his belief that he created Shuichi uncomfortable and could be at risk of being a threat to Shuichi. He would like to shield Shuichi and ensure that he doesn’t lose another person who is significant to him. He talks about the possibility of dying and, while he claims that the incident was not joking, Shuichi doesn’t believe him. Shuichi says to Rantaro that he’d rather listen to his story, even if it’s an enigma rather than leave Rantaro to handle the situation on his own. When the day, Rantaro feels very glad in his trusting Shuichi further and is eagerly waiting for the moment to share his story.

In the bonus feature Love Across the Universe, Rantaro gradually warms up and explains his dilemma to Shuichi. He is happy that Shuichi is convinced of his desire to locate his sisters as no one else can. Shuichi is adamant to be Rantaro’s companion on the road in pursuit of his sisters, which may even last an entire lifetime. Rantaro is driven to become an actual Ultimate Big Brother with his assistance.


At the beginning, Shuichi Saihara thought K1-B0 was one of Monokuma’s cousins, but was not the case, however, Shuichi was surprised how K1-B0 actually was a robot, and also their classmate.

Overall, Shuichi seems to appear nicer to K1-B0 than many others. However, Shuichi does sometimes make “robophobic” actions that irritate K1-B0. K1-B0 was particularly offended and angry when the seance ended and he was exiled from the seance and replaced by Shuichi and blamed the detective, and telling him that he’ll never forget this. But, Shuichi does sometimes encourage K1-B0 to tell him that he’s okay the way the way he is. However, K1-B0 also feels uncomfortable when K1-B0 shows off its rather insignificant abilities.

In the Bonus Mode inside the Love Suite, K1-B0 wonders about the meaning of love , and is begging Shuichi to be his love interest so that he can understand these feelings. K1-B0 goes overboard by listing the usual things that couples do when they are together. Shuichi soothes him by suggesting that perhaps they should not be in a relationship even if K1-B0 doesn’t love him. K1-B0 becomes unhappy and believes that he’s been rejected and is disappointed, but Shuichi says it’s not true. K1-B0 confesses to Shuichi that he may have become infatuated with Shuichi and wants to make a warm exchange and hug Shuichi. Both are anxious and decide to hug hands, making them feel more relaxed.

If K1-B0 enjoys a wonderful time with Shuichi in the bonus mode Love Across the Universe, K1-B0 would not want to return to his dorm and would like that he could spend time more with Shuichi. He then says slightly that his chest feels warmer when he’s with Shuichi and that he is very at peace.

Miu Iruma

If Shuichi along with Kaede first came to Miu she believed that Shuichi was looking at her breasts. Miu later called Shuichi as a pervert, which is why he was wearing the top hat. But, Shuichi then stands up for himself, and Miu is shocked since she believed Shuichi was a weakling.

In the course of the match, Miu gave Shuichi a number of nicknames, including Kusaihara, Kuzuhara, Unogahara, Dasaihara, and Hamehara.

At the Love Suite event, Shuichi was the Miu’s friend from childhood. Miu says to Shuichi that she’d allow Shuichi to lie with her. Shuichi becomes confused and Miu immediately becomes annoyed with Shuichi’s statement. Shuichi wants to know what she meant , and Miu gets angry and depressed and is unsure of how he was her childhood friend even if they didn’t know. She tells her how when they were children, she always looked after her, and continues to do so until the present day. She states that he’s the only person who knows her real self. He also has helped her become the ultimate Innovator. Miu adds that she wants to have children with Shuichi and he’s stupefied. Miu later reveals how brilliant their children would be if they had both their talents. Shuichi is silent, and Miu becomes angry again because she believes she’s not good enough to him and would like to have children to make sure he doesn’t eliminate her. Shuichi starts to speak in a stutter while Miu attempts to coerce Shuichi into having a sex session with her. Miu is then able to move towards Shuichi. It is speculated that they shared a bed afterward.

Kirumi Tojo

The moment they first met, Saihara Shuichi realized who Kirumi is in reality and was amazed by the way she’s a success due to her talents. She seems to be caring for Shuichi and respect him as well as all of their fellow classmates. She even advised Kaito to stop harming Shuichi when the first trial had ended.

Kirumi was extremely dismayed at the time Shuichi identified her as the one to blame at the end of the first trial. She was not yet able to accept her fate, and was determined to cast her vote Shuichi as the guilty party. He was angry and depressed when he saw another of his friends being killed. He is also one of the people who attempted to persuade Kirumi to get away from the scene of her execution.

in the extra Love Suite scene, Shuichi is the character who plays Kirumi’s master.

Tenko Chabashira

Tenko is extremely protective of all girls Shuichi Saihara approached at first. She even advised Kaede to be on guard as she was convinced that Shuichi might be being with her to get her attention. Tenko believes that everyone is a victim of perverse fantasies in their minds, and that includes Shuichi. Going as far as to suggest that his timid and quiet behavior is likely an excuse for how dangerous Tenko truly is.

Tenko is not surprising to be harsh with Shuichi from the beginning because he’s an “typical male who is degenerate.” While she’s able to withstand the presence of Tenko, Tenko tried numerous times to force Shuichi into a retreat by yelling and shouting. The result was that he became confused and she was furious over the fact that he doesn’t leave and claims that he’s being there to make sure that he can eliminate her “so he can sexually harass females around him.” She got so riled up that, when Shuichi tried to calm her she screamed and then turned him upside down because he had was touching her. She continued to flip him a couple more times before she passed out.

It’s implied that she may feel guilty for hurting someone in a serious way, male or not as she reluctantly took Shuichi into his room after he had blacked out.

The second time she attended a Free Time Event, she apologized for making Shuichi black however, she claimed that he had an obsession with being tossed around, since he came back to chat with her. Tenko insists that she’s as she can get, and informed Shuichi of her training guidelines including how touching girls won’t let her master Aikido that he’s stunned by.

Although Tenko is not a warm person to him because he’s a boy She did manage to gain his trust more often by telling him that she believes that Neo Aikido will be able to accept him as male, and she seems to respect towards the police detective. After slapping her over, she realized that he did not have much faith in himself as she knew he doubted himself quite a bit. She recognized that he was self-deprecating which is why he was doubting his ability. She explains to him that Neo-Aikido is excellent for dispelling doubts prior to attempting flipping Himiko also.

Shuichi realized how foolish Tenko could be and is concerned for her for that reason. Shuichi is even the one who reveals the fact that Tenko’s master is male too, which is able to blow her away. He was shocked by how depressed her mood was due to this information and was wondering if she’ll be OK.

Tenko expressed her gratitude to Shuichi thanking him for his help in discover the truth. Also, She admitted that she has come to believe in him to an degree, almost as she had with her teacher. In addition, She assured him that regardless of whether he’s a young man she viewed him as a trustworthy person. She then asked Shuichi to cease being an adult so that she could hold his hand, but he is adamantly refusing to do.

Perhaps because she saw Maki in the same room as him, in the first place, or otherwise Tenko did appear to depend in Shuichi enough to request Maki and Maki to assist her in convincing Angie to end the routine in Chapter 3.

In the bonus mode Love Across the Universe, in the Love Suite, Tenko referred to Shuichi as her brother because he was capable of outlasting her in battles with his power. In addition, She decided to view Shuichi as more than just an ordinary blood relative because he chose to follow an approach similar to Neo Aikido along with her. She arranged the mock battle and made a bet to ensure that the person who lost was at the mercy of the other’s command and let them decide what they would like to do. Also, She was able to declare that the reason she had made the bet was that she loved Shuichi by expressing her feelings for him and wanting to have an affair. She explained that the offer was still open for him to pursue whatever he desired with her , if he felt that way.

Korekiyo Shinguji

Korekiyo thinks Shuichi an excellent person however, he doesn’t want him or anyone else to be close to his sister. When Korekiyo was hosting his Free Time Events, he will teach Shuichi anything he could think of and ask him questions he is fascinated by, including the differences between anthropology, history and archaeology. The mysterious background of Korekiyo attracted Shuichi’s attention also, as the young man was intrigued by whether Korekiyo would take off his mask when eating, and asking him to tell him about a story that resonates with Shuichi. In Korekiyo’s final Free Time Event, Shuichi who had complete trust in him accepted to go on a field trip along with Korekiyo following their escape from The Killing Game as his first disciple.

The Killing Game continues, Shuichi is still finding Korekiyo slightly creepy, but is more confident in Korekiyo. The third chapter of the book, Korekiyo asked for his assistance to allow Shuichi talk to Kaede’s spirit. But Korekiyo politely declined because he claimed that the only thing he would like to convey to the victims who have died is that he and his fellow victims have a chance to live. Korekiyo was also shown to be extremely frightened over the way Korekiyo was talking about rituals and dead, and wanted to leave the conversation as quickly as possible. When Korekiyo had been executed by Monokuma because of his wrongdoing in murdering Angie as well as Tenko, Shuichi has conflicted thoughts about Korekiyo. He still regarded him as his friend, however, he was skeptical about whether Korekiyo will stop murdering more victims to help his sister, even if they’re alive.

In the Love Suite fantasy event, Korekiyo has agreed to have a date with Shuichi however, Korekiyo makes it clear there will never be the two of them to be in love. In Korekiyo’s dream his friend has requested to test BDSM, but Shuichi does not know about this and is uncomfortable in the presence of Korekiyo and thinks that he’s nervous about him, yet is still fascinated by his dream. Korekiyo is asked whether Shuichi is scared and grants permission to let him run. He says it’s frightening once and pulls a rope out from beneath the bed which prompts Shuichi to try to escape. But, Korekiyo catches his hand and slams him onto the bed, saying that he had never said the he would not stop Shuichi should he attempt to escape. Korekiyo is interested at the elegance Shuichi will exhibit, and says that he will guide him in the right direction and allow him to experience the type of joy that he’s never had before. Shuichi is scared of the risk and he is forced to drink his drink until it becomes impossible to escape. however, his mind starts to wander and he relaxes and it’s widely implied that Korekiyo did get what he was looking for at the final. When Shuichi awakes in his bed the next day, he thinks whether it was an illusion, even though his body is still aching.

At Korekiyo’s graduation using the Bonus Mode Love Across the Universe, Korekiyo declares that he would like be able to go out along with Shuichi as well as introduce the two of them to his sister since Korekiyo is a wonderful friend even though he initially opposed to it and does not normally let males be near her. Shuichi is confused by him speaking about the words “sister” and “lover” “lover” or “sister” However, Korekiyo has a complete faith in Korekiyo who is completely conscious of the dangers that each one of them poses.

Angie Yonaga

At the beginning, Angie considered Shuichi pretty insignificant, which is among the primary reasons why she has never thought of Shuichi to help her. This is evident by the fact that Angie has never thought of Shuichi to help her in Himiko’s magical show. As with everyone else, Shuichi finds Angie a strange person because of her faith in Atua.

When it comes to Free Time Events, Shuichi is struck by the uniqueness of Angie’s name and finds her culture strange because it has a lot of distinctive elements that few Islanders have. Shuichi is not convinced that Angie’s art is typical. Evidently, Shuichi is the only one who is furious with Angie because of this fact. Angie cannot overcome Shuichi from his thoughts. At their last Free Time Event, Angie admits her love for Shuichi with no Atua “speaking” to her. Angie says she would like to be Shuichi’s loyalist for all time and would like Shuichi will be the husband she has always wanted to her own personal feelings. Shuichi is extremely happy to know that she has expressed herself. However, he thinks that they’re not quite there yet.

In the wake of her passing, Shuichi felt very sorry for Angie and says she was only trying to end that Killing Game and bring everyone together.

Ryoma Hoshi

In The Killing School Semester, Shuichi is really unhappy with Ryoma’s background and wanted to assist Ryoma find an excuse to live a life of. Prior to his arrival to The Ultimate Academy, Shuichi heard of Ryoma through the media and the way he fought the mafia group using a custom-made stainless steel tennis ball. Ryoma believed that Shuichi’s talents were very impressive and appreciated his sleuthing skills in Class Trials or the Free Time Events.

At Free Time Events, Shuichi was particularly fascinated by Ryoma’s Tennis background and would often ask Ryoma a variety of questions during Free Time Events about his tennis club friends as well as his love interest as well as his own family. Shuichi was keen for Ryoma to try tennis time and forget about the mistakes that he had to face. Ryoma quickly realized that Shuichi was begging him to return to tennis for his own sake. He was warned by Shuichi to never force him to play tennis again. Even even though Ryoma was begging Shuichi to let him go, Shuichi didn’t intend on ending Ryoma’s friendship. Ryoma delighted that Shuichi didn’t leave him determined to show Shuichi how to play tennis, and to play with him another time.

On Love Across the Universe: Dangan Salmon Team, Ryoma spoke about with Shuichi concerning a cat that he had before he was in prison, and his close relationship with the cat. Ryoma was worried that the cat may have forgotten about him. Shuichi assures Ryoma it is taken care of by his new owner, and denies Ryoma the notion that he is being ignored by the cat.

In the bonus mode that is not Canonical Ultimate Talent Development Plan, during the Summer Sports Festival, Shuichi and Ryoma are being seen playing table tennis two times during a friendly match.