Soul Eater is a manga and anime series written and drawn by Masaaki Sakurai. The series follows the adventures of Soul Eater, a team of young wizards led by the powerful wizard Rufus Fenton, Jr. Soul Eater began airing on Fuji TV in Japan in October 1997 and ended on March 25, 2001. The anime has been released in North America by Funimation Entertainment and other countries.

  1. Rufus Fenton, Jr. – A powerful wizard who leads the team of Soul Eaters known as “Soul Eater”. He is a skilled fighter and strategist, as well as an expert on magic.
  2. Harry Potter – A young wizard who joins Soul Eaters after being recruited by Rufus Fenton, Jr. He is a powerful sorcerer with the ability to turn his body into fire.
  3. Ichigo Kurosaki – A Quincy mage who joins Soul Eaters after being recruited by Rufus Fenton, Jr.. He has the power to turn people into animals with his Zanpakutō spirit beast Renji Abarai.
  4. Naruto Uzumaki – A shinobi from Konoha who joins Soul Eaters after being recruited by Rufus Fenton, Jr.. He is a powerful ninja with the ability to transform into different forms and use ninjutsu techniques.
  5. Sasuke Uchiha – A Jounin from Konoha who joins Soul Eaters after being recruited by Rufus Fenton, Jr.. He is a powerful ninja with the ability to create clones that can fight on his own behalf or work together under his command.
  6. Thor - An Asgardian god who joins Soul Eaters after being recruited by Rufus Fenton, Jr.. He has the power to control thunderbolts and can fly using his hammer Mjolnir. 7) Alice Sebold - An American author who joined Soul Eaters after being

There are more than 30 characters in the show, including the Soul Eater and Not Soul Eater Not, Gorgon Sisters and as well as Witches. We have selected the most memorable characters from all of these.

Fascinating Soul Eater Characters

1. Death the Kid – Among Soul Eater Main Characters

Father DeathAge 13-15 years oldWeakness : AsymmetryPower:Lines for SanzuWavelength RegulationRole Meister the Demon Twin Guns

Kid is Shinigami’s son. He was born from a small part of his body, but quickly develops a unique sense of self. Also, He can be very complex and can become very mad at times, but he is also very loving.

He is a master of many abilities, including the ability to become invisible. His only weakness is his inherited asymmetriphobia. This OCD causes him to search for order in all things to keep his mind from going mad. He is bound to be the Grim Reaper.

2. Maka Albarn – Among Soul Eater Main Characters

Father – Spirit AlbarnAge:13 yearsWeakness – Soul (Without Soul, she can’t do anything)Strength:Anti Demon WavelengthRole: Weapon master of Soul Eater Evans

Maka is the main character in Soul Eater. Spirit’s daughter, she is her. However, they don’t get along well. She is a bright student with a goal to be a powerful meister, far more powerful than her father.

She is brave, strong-willed and mature for her age. These qualities make her the ideal person to be Soul’s weapon partner. She continues to grow professionally and personally throughout the series. She is skilled in soul perception, antimagic wavelengths, and demon weapon characters.

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3. Tsubaki Nakatsukasa – Among Soul Eater Main Characters

Father: Sanjuro NakatsukasaAge: 17 YearsWeakness : Too trustingPower;Speed. Scythe fightingRole: Tragic Weapon

Tsubaki is Black Star’s weapon partner and shadow weapon. Although she can transform into many types of weapons, she is also a patient, gentle, and easy-going soul.

She comes from a powerful line of warriors that inherited the first demon weapons. After she has swallowed the soul of her brother, she gains incredible power, a weapon called an enchanted blade.

4. Mifune

Age UnknownWeakness – Love and passion in the lives of childrenStrength:SkillsRole Human, Samurai and Bodyguard

Mifune is known as the God of Swords because he can mash to weapon even against gods, spirits and death scythes.

He is a bodyguard to Angela the witch and a fighter in Arachne’s mafia network. His soul power is equal to 99 normal human souls. Mifune is Black Star’s sworn enemy.

5. Asura

Father DeathAge – 800+ YearsWeakness BREW and Death the KidStrength:Stronger than all other and has many special capabilitiesRole: Grim Reaper

Asure is the main antagonist of Soul Eater and a demon god. He is one the Great Old Ones. In addition, He was created from the Shinigami fragment that holds his fear. He is strong, but also irrational because of this.

He can unleash madness on anyone who stands in his way. After swallowing his weapon Bahrain, he gains immense power and can consume souls to become a god. He is a terror-wielding monster that can be found anywhere he goes. The others must defeat him.

6. Spirit Albarn

Father ScytheAge 31 yearsStrength:Full Weapon Transformation and physical capabilities

Spirit is a chronic womanizer and a death scythe presiding at the DMWA and North America. He is Maka’s dad. Marie replaces him as Stein’s weapon companion for a time. He is the Soul Eater’s most powerful death scythe.

He is determined to win his daughter’s trust despite his lame ways. Also, He is a consort to the legendary Shinigami. His amazing wavelength control allows him to transform any meister with the power of his welding.

7. Black Star – Among Soul Eater Main Characters

Father – WhiteStarAge:13 yearsWeakness : His intelligence is low and his abilities are diminishingPower,Wavelength control, madnessRole: DWMA assassin

Black Star is Tsubaki’s meister. He is a powerful ninja assassin and the last remaining member of the Star Clan. Sid raised him after the brutal murder of his entire clan.

Black Star is one the most talented and brightest students at the academy. His arrogance leads him to promise to be greater than God one day. However, some believe that his path will lead to more evil and soul-consuming like his father.

8. Marie Mjolnir

Age Mid 30’sWeakness – Can be debilitatingStrength,Wavelength Control ShapeshiftingRole: Demon Weapon

Marie is one the most memorable characters in Soul Eater. Franken Stein’s weapon companion, she is also a death scythe king of Oceania. Her soul wavelengths are a healing tool that can resist or counter madness techniques.

Marie is a formidable talent, but she doesn’t know what she does on most days. One thing is certain, though, her anger and power will wreak havoc on anyone who crosses her path. She doesn’t mind going above and beyond in order to get what she wants.

9. Liz and Patty Thompson – Among Soul Eater Main Characters

Parent Unnamed motherWeakness: VariousPowe:Demon Weapons, and Sleeping PowderRole: Demon Weapon

Death the Kid’s powerful weapon partner, Elizabeth Thompson and Patricia Thompson are Elizabeth and Patricia Thompson. The sisters are completely opposite. While Liz is mature, resourceful and resourceful and is terribly afraid of ghosts and anything else that creeps, Patty, on the other hand, is childish, trusting and cheery-eyed and goes into a rage only during battle.

They have semi-automatic pistols, which fire energy bullets. This is technically Kid’s soul wavelengths. They can both control one another even if their master is absent.

10. Soul Evans – Among Soul Eater Main Characters

Family: Unnamed grandmother (Wes Evans), older brother (Wes Evans). Age 13-15 years oldWeakness: Overdeveloped womenPower:Can be transformed into a scythe that Maka can useRole: The Death Scythe (manga).

Soul Evans, also known by Soul Eater, is the main protagonist of the series. He is Maka Albarn’s weapon partner. He strives to appear cool so he is often nonchalant and carefree in all situations.

Soul is a descendant of a distinguished family of musicians and an accomplished pianist. Also, Soul prefers to discover the limits of his weapon abilities rather than join his family’s musical legacy. 

Finally, Soul has big goals for himself and is ready to kill, eat, and fight to reach them.