For years, the Villain Alliance has been a shadowy organization shrouded in mystery. But new evidence suggests that they may be more than just a bunch of villains out to cause trouble. According to reports, the Villain Alliance is actually a secret society made up of some of the most powerful people in the world. They’re believed to be behind some of the biggest conspiracies and scandals in history, and their goal is nothing less than global domination. So who are these mysterious villains? And what are they planning? We may never know for sure, but we need to be on guard against them if we want to stay safe and secure. ..

HISTORY Villain Alliance

The advent of All Might marked the end of the rule of All For One and the villains. The villain’s followers were detained and All For One was slaughtered by All Might.

To take down the Symbol of Peace and return the Villains to power, All For One picked the orphaned little boy, Tenko Shimura, from the streets and named his successor. Tenko is the son of the teacher who taught All Might Nana Shimura, and All For One knew that making Tenko to Tomura Shigaraki could be a devastating blow to the pure heart of All Might.

All For One cared for Tenko as a father, however, they taught him to dislike All Might and to give freedom to his rage and impulse to violence and evil. Tomura was raised to be an unrestrained man-child who would take everything down out of pure desire. The second-in-command of the Union, Kurogiri was assigned to assist the child grow as well as guide his development, however, Tomura considered him an instrument. Gigantomachia was still following All For One, doubting Tomura and whether he could be a good successor to she questioned Dr. Ujiko, equally doubtful and unsure, decided to let the child to grow up before offering his assistance.

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Saga of the USJ

It is said that the Villan Union attacks the USJ in order to destroy all Might. However, they are largely defeat in the battle between Eraserhead and class 1-A alumni. After All Might’s arrival Nomu is able to attack him , but is defeated the hero. Tomura as well as Kurogiri attempt to take down All Might, weakened by the previous fight however, the intervention of Izuku Midoriya and the appearance of some Pro Heroes causes their intentions to fall through.The remaining villains leave as many of them, including Nomu are detained and detained by Police which is why that the Villain Union is greatly reduced in size.

Festival of Sports SagaDuring the Yuei Sports Festival, Kurogiri makes contact with Stain to arrange a meet to discuss the event with Tomura.

Heroes Assassin Saga

The Heroes Assassin is then transferred through Kurogiri into The Union of Villans’ lair. There, however, Tomura and Stain immediately start to argue and shift from talking to a real fight; Kurogiri, despite being initially beaten out from the Heroes Assassin is able to be able to teleport Stain away.

Tomura is then compelled to dispatch three Nomu to Hosu, the city. Hosu to destroy the city and to make people forget the dangers Stain is. But, he and his friend Kurogiri discover later that the three creatures and the assassin are taken down and imprisoned by heroes of the city.

Final Test Saga

Tomura is disappointed that his displeasure is that the Stain’s loss is a topic of conversation for everyone and the devastation caused through the Nomu is barely discussed. As Giran, the head of the Union is contemplating how to proceed, Giran is leading two potential new recruits, Dabi and Himiko Toga in front of him. Tomura expresses his anger at these two who, in his view are too enslaved to the Stain’s beliefs. The Union leader lashes out at Dabi and Himiko and Kurogiri, but Kurogiri stops the fight by using his Quirk and when Tomura quits the premises in anger, he pleads with the two new recruits to stay a few days before getting a final response.Tomura arrives at a mall and he is able to spot Izuku. In threatening to kill civilians if summoned an officer, the criminal confronts the child and they engage in a conversation about Stain. After hearing Izuku’s perspective of the hero-killer Tomura is able to distance himself from the child and escapes the policemen that had arrived in the area.

A Story from the Retreat into the Woods

A few days later, Dabi, Himiko, as well as other Villans are taken to the location that classes 1-A as well as 1-B have the retreat for the summer. getaway. In the evening, Dabi sets fire to the forest and the rest of his friends are instructed to break up and locate Katsuki Bakugo, who Tomura is looking to join the Union. Muscular encounters Kota and Izuku but gets defeated by the kid. Moonfish manages to remove an arm of Mezo Shoji, but Fumikage Tokoyami knocks out easily and Mustard is defeat with Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu along with Itsuka Kendo. In the meantime, Magne and Spinner battle Mandalay along with Tiger, Himiko with Ochaco Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui. Dabi and Eraserhead and the Mr. Compress finally manages to get the attention of Katsuki.In the end, thanks to Kurogiri’s help, the undefeated players are able to escape, by taking Katsuki along with the group. In the meantime, Muscular, Mustard and Moonfish are incarcerated in the hands of police.

Lair Incursion Saga

In their lair Tomura attempts to persuade Katsuki, as well as the majority of the Union, Katsuki to join them, but the boy rebuffs by hitting him on the face. Then, All Might and other heroes arrive in the building and eliminate all Villains. Furious, Tomura asks his master for help, and a number of Nomu are sent to the area.

In the meantime, All for One is able to reach the building in which Best Jeanist as well as other heroes were fighting Nomu and then razes them down to the floor. All Might is able to reach the enemy and engages in an extremely difficult fight against him, assisted by Gran Torino. Tomura as well as Other Union Members, that have reached the spot, observe Katsuki fleeing with Izuku as well as his companions. Suddenly, All for One orders Kurogiri to abduct his comrades and then requests Tomura to fight.All Might and All for One clash. All Might and All for One match concludes by the latter winning, and the Union founders being held in prison.

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Saga for Temporary License to Hero

The Villain Union begins to be more careful so as not to be spotted in the eyes of the law enforcement. Tomura in the meantime, he asks his fellow members to begin recruiting new members to strengthen their membership.In the meantime, Himiko takes the place of Camie Utsushimi, who is a pupil of Shiketsu High School, in order to take part in the Provisional Hero Licence Exam. at this time she also manages to get Izuku’s blood. Following the exam, Himiko is contacted by Mr. Compress, who reminds her to not be so reckless. In the meantime, Dabi single-handedly defeats a group of street criminals with the excuse that they’re not of any benefit for the Union. Twice is informed of an organized mafia group known as”the Eight Death Precepts and considers the possibility of informing Tomura of the activities of this organization.

Saga of the Apprenticeship

Twice is the one who leads Overhaul, the who is the leader in the 8 Precepts to meet with Tomura. But, during the meeting because of animosity between Overhaul and Tomura there is a brawl that ensues that results in Magne is killed, and Compress is injured. Compress loses an arm. Overhaul is also planning to meet again with Tomura for a more peaceful discussion.In the next few days two of the leaders of the two organizations are reunited at the headquarters for the Eight Precepts. Overhaul then explains to Tomura his plans to introduce to society bullets that can destroy the Quirks and suggests to the Union leader join forces with Overhaul. When he returns to his fellow group of comrades, Tomura explains to them that he is planning to align with Overhaul but in order to achieve this he must convince Twice as well as Himiko for joining his group, the Precept Eight temporarily; despite initially being hesitant they accept the mission and travel to Overhaul.

When an army composed of Pro Heroes and policemen attack the Eight Precepts base in order to save Eri, Overhaul gives orders to Himiko to join forces with Twice to assist in defeating the foes. After engaging Sir Nighteye as well as Eraserhead they quickly engage in a battle against Joi Irinaka who is found guilty of almost murdering Twice. Toga is planning to become Eri and escape which is why Twice makes a copy that is a copy of. Compress to get help as Himiko who has been transformed into Izuku is able to draw Attention of Ochaco and Tsuyu to cause enough of a disturbance to escape.A few hours later they then call Compress and he is heading along with Spinner, Tomura and Dabi to break into the police vehicle that is carrying Overhaul to inform the police that they have escaped.Tomura and Dabi overcome Snatch Snatch, the heroic figure who was leading the truck. They then meet with the imprisoned Overhaul who’s legs and arms they amputate , and then shoot special bullets at. Following that the Union is freed laughing at the fate of Overhaul.