Death Note is a manga series that has been around for over a decade. The story follows Light Yagami, a high school student who finds a notebook that allows him to kill anyone he wants by writing their name in the book. The manga has been controversial since its release, with some people praising its dark and violent content while others find it disturbing. In recent years, the series has come under scrutiny for its possible connections to real-life crimes. Watari is a new documentary film that investigates these connections and explores the darker side of Death Note. The film features interviews with experts on law enforcement, psychology, and terrorism who discuss how the series could be used to commit crimes. While Wari does not condone any criminal activity based on Death Note, it provides an interesting look into one of manga’s most popular and controversial series. ..

APPEARANCE Watari Death Note

Watar has blonde hair and blue eyes. When she was spotted by Interpol officials in the role of the assistant of L she wore an overcoat and the hat that covered her face. After revealing his face the Japanese investigating unit and wearing the black tuxedo with glasses.

PERSONALITY Watari Death Note

In the normal course of everyday life Watari can be described as famous for his inventions and is the creator of Wammy’s House an orphanage that caters to gifted children located in Winchester, England. L was also a resident of the orphanage.

Watari served as his dad figure prior to when the beginning of his detective career. He is also a well skilled spy as well as a sniper. As per Dead Note 13: Learning to Learn to Read, Watari likes grey tea and is averse to dirty rooms. When communicating with others on a computers, Watari appears on a white background, with letters W that is written with black “Cloister Black’ font, similar to the way L was used to write letters L.



In the fall in 2003 (animated in 2006), when a meeting of Interpol found out about that criminals had died caused by heart attacks, and when the participants considered deferring the matter for L, Watari informed the group that L had begun an investigation before. He then pulled out his laptop and used it to conduct an investigation. L was able to use to address attendees of the meeting.The beginning stages in the investigative work of the NPA of this elusive serial killer (publicly called Kira) At the request of L, Watari was frequently at the offices of the investigating unit using his laptop. Just like in the Interpol meeting that was held in the Interpol meeting, it was via this laptop that L addressed the members of the investigating unit. Watari generally left the NPA office once L engaged in a private discussion with him.

However, after twelve FBI agent that were to watch for the Japanese police and loved ones who lost their lives, those who believed their lives were important were removed as part of their position in the Investigation Unit. Six officers were left and they were not all able to trust L. The reason for this was mostly because officers could only talk to L via his laptop without knowing his name or face. Watari provided L written instructions on what to do in order to get the face of L.


The day of the New Year’s Day 2004 (Anime 2007), L had just presented to the Imperial Hotel all the information that was gathered through the FBI and had concluded an in-depth interrogation of every officer within the unit of investigation. The moment came that Watari himself was inside the room was dressed in an undercover uniform as in the absence of it, L’s location would be revealed to the public and to prove his trust in the personnel of the investigation unit again.Watari was also carrying along with him some accessories for members of the team investigating. First, there were fake badges that police officers needed to wear in order to shield their identities from the prying eyes of all who came near them. The second was a belt with transmitters attached to the buckles which could be pulled to activate the phone of Watari. If his phone would respond the call, he would return and inform the people about the location of L’s phone.


Watari was in the hotel’s room when Hirokazu Ukita made a phone call to them by Naomi Misora’s mom concerning their daughter’s missing. Naomi Misora was engaged to one of the deceased FBI agents Raye Penber. Since Penber was acting oddly prior to she died, L decided to limit the investigation to those who were investigating her. They were the families of NPA Director of the Deputy Koreyoshi Kitamura and Police Chief Soichiro Yagami. Yagami was also a part of the Kira Investigation Unit.

Watari set up surveillance cameras and listening devices in these homes within the next day. The first day, Watari following the advice of L He also granted permission to every channel to air a false message over the TV image concerning arriving 1500 Interpol detectives from Japan to observe how individuals under monitoring would feel about the announcement. The operative also handed over to the unit investigating the incident the names of the criminals had been killed that night. had killed on the night of her murder. In the course of five days monitoring, Watari was able to remove the cameras as well as listening devices.


When L was able to infiltrate To-Oh University to observe Light Yagami, Watari posed as his chauffeur. After Light Yagami agreed to join the unit upon request of L, Watari and Mogi were required to stay in the hotel and posing like the second L to anyone who came by. They only spoke to fellow members of the team whenever new information were received through the other Kira. The communication was later handed over to Watari by himself, as Mogi had been assigned to watch Light.When the Kira investigation team discovered clues to Kira inside Misa Amane’s bedroom and were able to arrest her on suspicion of having been an additional Kira, Watari was assigned to look after Misa. L instructed Watari to do whatever was necessary to bring Misa to speak and he was also instructed to be careful. Watari did not provide Misa the water she needed for 3 days. He also was unable to control her when she threatened to bite her tongue.Then, Watari also prepared cells for Light and Soichiro As Light had become the primary suspect in the case of the real Kira and Soichiro was ashamed of the suspicions he had against his son.In the event that it was decided to alter the method of surveillance for Light and Misa The investigation team relocated to a new headquarters designed in the name of L and Watari.


Watari was the person in charge for security in the headquarters’ new building. Security measures included an eye retina sensor as well as metal detectors. L also told Light the fact that Watari was among the other people in the role of L.After discovering that Kira was a shrewd businessman at the expense of Yotsuba Group, Watari was able to gain an inside look through his connections to the world of business. He also provided assistance to the members of the investigation team in the event of being exiled from the police which was the situation in the event that they were dismissed from the NPA when NPA had to end the investigation of Kira. After all but Shuichi Aizawa were left within the team of investigators, Watari was assigned to call two of L’s underworld friends, Aiber as well as Wedy to aid the team investigating.Because Watari also served as a liaison to the third and second best investigators Eraldo Coil as well as Deneuve (who had been L’s pseudonyms) He was able to give L the details about Masahiko Kida, who was the Yotsuba’s director of the Legal and Planning department employed Coil to determine the identity of L. Following the time that L had instructed Aiber to pretend to be Coil in front of Yotsuba, Watari was to aid Wedy install surveillance cameras as well as listening devices in Yotsuba headquarters.After narrowing the suspects down to seven in the secret meetings Watari and Wedy added camera systems and listeners in their places to watch the suspects. However, the task was made a bit more difficult due to being aware that Shingo Mido Reiji Namikawa as well as Kyosuke Higuchi were very secure in their residences.

With Higuchi identified to be Yotsuba Kira and L setting up plans to capture Higuchi, Watari initially relayed mainly only a phone call with Mogi with Higuchi to the headquarters. However, when Higuchi suddenly appeared to require only a face for his victims these days, L gave the order to take down Higuchi. Watari was with him, as well as Light via helicopter to join the hunt. Watari was carrying the sniper rifle was used to kill Higuchi Higuchi attempted to flee. In the beginning, when he tried to escape the police vehicles and the Kira investigation team, Watari shot a tyre from his vehicle. Then, when Higuchi threatened to kill himself, Watari shot the gun from his hands.


In the wake of Higuchi’s mysterious demise and L’s speculation regarding his The Death Note notebook that was later discovered to be a weapon for murder, Watari was ordered to locate a country that was willing to utilize the notebook for an execution. He also was required prepared to pack the notebook to be transported. 

However, before that could be accomplished, Rem, a shinigami worried about the security of the victim he was killing in the name of the present Kira (aka Misa), wrote the name of Watari in his notebook to take him down. Rem was then able to kill L himself.It was the Kira Investigation Unit later learned Watari’s true identity after the murder of his wife, a civilian, Quillsh Wammy, was published in the local newspapers. Apart of Wammy’s family and the Kira Investigation Unit, only the Wammy’s House orphanage were aware of his identity in the form of Watar.

LEGACY Watari Death Note

As the new L, Light Yagami (who was also the real Kira) was also Watar up to her demise. Following the demise of Watari Roger Ruvie who was also the house’s leader and was named Watari following the death of Light Yagami died and Near was the new L.