When it comes to anime, there are few characters as iconic and well-loved as Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho. The show follows Yusuke as he battles demons and other supernatural creatures in order to save people and restore peace to the world. So who are the strongest characters in Yu Yu Hakusho? In this article, we’re going to take a look at each character and rank them according to their power level. Keep in mind that this ranking is based on their abilities alone, without any consideration for their personality or appearance. So don’t be surprised if some of your favorite characters end up at the bottom of the list! 10. Koenma Koenma is the spirit of justice in the show, and he’s usually portrayed as being quite powerful. However, his powers are limited by his lack of experience and knowledge about supernatural creatures. This means that Koenma is usually unable to defeat most demons on his own, which makes him a bit of a pushover compared to some of the other characters on this list. ..

Who are the Strongest Yu Yu Hakusho Characters ?

YuYu Hakusho, like Dragonball Z has a character ranking system that allows you to see how strong everyone is. The system does not change as the story ends, unlike Dragonball Z. There are six classes: E (D), C (B), A, B, and S. Each class has a +/- symbol to indicate whether you’re the weakest of the class. There are about a dozen characters who have reached the S+ rank, and many more that are close to being S+. Here are the top 10 most powerful characters in YuYu Hakusho.

10. Shinobu Sensui

Sensui, technically the strongest of the human series, was also a gifted Spirit Detective who had a keen sense of right and wrong. He was the first to witness the Black Black Club torture demons for their entertainment. Sensui was embarrassed of his own species and did a 180. This also led to the development of a dissociative identity disorder. He created 6 personalities to deal with what he saw. 

Sensui’s complete mastery in martial arts, including Resshuken and his Sacred Energy as well as his Offensive, Defensive, and other techniques, clearly shows his ability to control the S-class demons. This is evident during his fight against Yusuke. It is important to note that Sensui’s power demonstrations were made while he was sick and was almost dying. If he had not been ill, Sensui could have reached the S+ rank at his absolute peak. Sensui is, at the very minimum, one of the most formidable villains Yusuke has ever encountered. Yusuke defeats Sensui only because Raizen helped, making him an extremely formidable foe.

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9. Yoko Kurama – Among Yu Yu Hakusho Main Characters

Kurama, Yusuke’s close friend in many of his battles, is a formidable opponent. Not only because he can transform into his demon form but also because of his brilliant tactics as a fighter. Kurama has grown a lot since the first time we saw him as the thief who had a heart of gold. His fights often involve him maintaining a calm demeanour as he examines the fighting styles and personalities of his opponents and then capitalizes on their weaknesses. 

Kurama’s final major fight is against Shigure in the Makai Tournament. He transforms into his S+ ranked Yoko fighter. Kurama wins the fight despite not being able to sustain it and Shigure is stronger in his regular form. This is due to his clever ingenuity, which shows why he deserves to be included alongside the best.

8. Kokou

Enki’s wife, Kokou, is known for her drinking habits, foul moods, and insults to Raizen’s lover. This is mainly because she loved Raizen. She shows her true strength by participating in the Makai Tournament. Her most noteworthy achievement was defeating Yomi, one the 3 Kings and main antagonist of the last story arc. 

Both her ability to defeat Yomi and Yomi’s hint that Kokou (and their friends) are close to Yomi in terms of strength, both show how Kokou is able to compete with elite demons. You wonder how far Kokou could have advanced in the tournament if she was in better fighting condition.

7. Kujō

Kujo, the twin brother to Natsume was once one of Raizen’s sparring partners back in his prime. Also, Kujo is presented to Yusuke along with Raizen’s powerful friends when they visit Yusuke to pay respects to his ancestral father, Raizen. Kujo is a bit cocky but he proves that he is capable of backing up his words, even though he seems a little cocky. 

Kujo’s Makai Tournament performance begins with the defeat by Touya, despite being out of shape and even severely weakened by Touya. Kujo would overcome these handicaps and go on to defeat Kokou, another S+ demon. Kujo proves that he is right among the most powerful S+ demonics, even though he loses to Raizen (Saizou).

6. Hiei – Among Yu Yu Hakusho Main Characters

Hiei, the first villain Yusuke encounters in the series is actually his first. He eventually joins Yusuke even though it was initially for his own motives. Hiei’s character also develops a lot through the series. He struggles to find balance between his friendships and his desire for more power. Hiei’s fighting skills and techniques are what make him Yusuke’s most trusted ally. 

Hiei’s incredible speed, multiple fire- and swordsmanship skills, the Jagan Eye and the fact that only one demon can master the Dragon of the Darkness Flame make it very difficult to defeat him. His quick dispatch of Seiryu and his undefeated record at the Dark Tournament are just two examples. Also, Hiei’s fight against Mukuro where, despite being outclassed, Hiei can destroy Mukuro’s shackles once and for all. This severely limits Mukuro’s power and prevents her from winning Makai Tournament. Instead, that honor would go to…

5. Enki

Enki is Raizen’s leader group of friends who return to honor Raizen. Also, Enki is a gentle soul. His strength is clearly demonstrated by his victory in the Makai Tournament. He has become the new king for Demon World. 

While it may not seem like Enki was straining himself during his matches, it is clear that Enki did not coast to this title. He beat many Raizen’s friends on the way to it. Enki was also able to defeat Mukuro (another of the 3 Kings) which was a remarkable feat. Enki is the most capable of playing with the 3 Kings, out of all Raizen’s friends.

4. Yusuke Urameshi – Among Yu Yu Hakusho Main Characters

It is amazing to see Yusuke grow throughout the series. Going from a normal kid to one of the most powerful “demons”, is an incredible transformation. Yusuke learns a number of Sprit techniques to defeat his opponents. These techniques, combined with his unique fighting style, make him extremely formidable. Despite Yusuke’s training throughout the story, he is killed by Sensui for the second time. 

Yusuke is elevated to the rank S class when Raizen revives his demon form. Yusuke is stronger than many of the S+ demons, as shown by Raizen’s possession and Yusuke’s performance against Yomi at the Makai Tournament. As Yusuke grows up, it is easy to imagine how much power he will have as an adult. The series concludes with Yusuke being the most powerful character in this series.

3. Yomi

Yomi, one of the 3 Kings is feared and respected by Demon World. He rules his country and has many S demons who work under him. Kurama, his friend from the past, returns to Yomi to serve as his right-hand man. While many of his feats have been talked about, Yomi’s best fights with Shura or Yusuke are the most impressive.

He shows how easily he can defeat an S-ranked demon, and narrowly defeats Yusuke during a match that was full of their finest techniques. Yomi loses his next match against Kokou as a result. Yomi is still one of the most powerful S+ demons due to his combination of intelligence, powerful techniques and intelligence.

2. Mukuro

Mukuro, the strongest character in the series is undoubtedly Mukuro. She is also part of the 3 Kings. Mukuro’s past is filled with sadness and tragedy. However, it leads Mukuro to a position of power few have ever seen, making other demons rightfully afraid of her. Mukuro’s power directly correlates to her mental state. As a result, she can be more powerful the more angry she is. Hiei managed to limit Mukuro’s power at the Makai Tournament.

He removed the shackle from her left wrist. This was a powerful connection to her history that allowed her to channel anger into power. Despite this limitation, Mukuro still managed to make it very far in tournament. She defeated S+ demons like Natsume, and then lost to Enki, the overall winner. There is one character who can defeat her at her strongest, and that is Enki. That character would be…

1. Raizen

Raizen’s death during the series is a reminder of his power. Many claim that he is the greatest fighter. When he takes control of Yusuke and turns him into an S-class demon, we get a glimpse at his power to defeat Sensui. Raizen shows us his own power first when his casual tactics are effective enough to keep Yusuke away, far surpassing him. 

We learn that Raizen was so strong in his prime that no one could stop him, Yomi, Mukuro and Raizen’s friends. His refusal to eat people is what caused his power to diminish enough to the point that a stalemate was formed between Yomi, Mukuro and him. Flashbacks of Raizen’s prime, when he was effectively dominating his friends, provide numerous examples of Raizen never being challenged by anyone. Raizen is, without doubt, the most powerful character in YuYu Hakusho.

May Also Like : Raizen Yu Yu Hakusho : Everything You Need To Know

Kazuma Kuwabara

Yusuke’s friend, and former rival Kuwabara is number four in the Yu Yu Hakusho character list!

Kuwabara is a man of immense spiritual energy. After some training, he was able channel that energy into producing two Spirit Swords. We see Kuwabara improve his abilities and manipulate his spirit energy as the series progresses. He even surpasses Sensui in some ways.


Yusuke’s Spirit Guide, Botan, and one of the Grimreapers made it to the top five most loved Yu Yu Hakusho characters. Botan is a spirit which helps souls who have lost their way to the afterlife.

Yusuke meets her when he saves a boy from a fallen angel in the pilot episode. She is able to fly and can also combine the power of others to make them stronger through the Power Sphere that she keeps in her body.

May Also Like : Botan Yu Yu Hakusho : Everything You Need To Know


The Master of Yusuke, Kuwabara Genkai is just six places below the top five. She is an old, practical woman who has worked hard to master her spiritual energy use.

She has also developed some very harsh training methods and uses them to train Yusuke and Kuwabara. Although she appears to be a tough exterior, she shows her love for Yusuke when she heals him from injuries in battle.


Koenma, the King of Spirit World is next on our list of most loved Yu Yu Hakusho characters. Also Koenma, the Spirit Realm ruler, is responsible for Yusuke’s resurrecting as a Spirit Detective.

During the Dark Tournament saga, he is revealed to be the manager and benefactor of Team Urameshi. He can transform his appearance to become an adult and change from a child to an adult at will.

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