Hunter x Hunter is a popular manga series that has been published in Japan for over 20 years. The manga follows the adventures of a group of young boys, known as the Hunters, as they travel around Japan in search of new blood and adventure. The series has been translated into many languages and has been turned into a successful anime series that has aired on Japanese television for over 10 years. The manga and anime have also spawned several spin-off titles, including a movie series and an action-adventure game. If you’re interested in learning more about theHunter x Hunter manga and anime series, then this comprehensive guide is for you! In this article, we’ll be discussing everything from the basics of the characters to tips on how to enjoy the show without getting too lost in its pages. Who are the main characters in Hunter x Hunter? The main characters in Hunter x Hunter are the boys known as the Hunters. The Hunters are a group of young boys who travel around Japan looking for new blood and adventure. They are led by Jotaro Kujo, who is considered to be one of Japan’s most famous authors. Other important members of the team include Koichi Kishimoto, who wrote the original storyboards for both the anime and manga; Yūji Nagata, who designed all of the character designs; and Toshihide Suga, who composed all of the music for both seasons of the anime.


Zazan is a chimera Ant which looks like humain except for her scorpion tail, joints that resemble legs and hands which look similar to the majority of Kimera Ant. The tail of her appears to be roughly her size. Her hair is long and fuchsia with a purple skin tone, large chest , and an oversized skirt to conceal her tail from foes. Once she is a queen her dress becomes more open.

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Zazan is very self-confident with her self-confidence to the point that she is obsessed with her appearance. Zazan also has a strong need for power, and in actual fact, Zazan is the self-proclaimed new queen of the Kimera Ant. Despite her typically arrogant manner she is easily upset when someone hurts her appearance and reveals a very violent and angry part of her.

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Zazan is introduced first as she subdues Pokkuru by using her stinger. She also saves the fellow subordinate Paiku of her attacks. Following the demise of Kimera Ants queen Zazan declares herself the new queen. She she takes a castle under her Shooting Star and turns an many men into servants by using her stinger. Her reign is disrupted with the help of Ghost Brigade who enter her castle and begin to hunt her, killing her subordinates.They determine that the person who is defeated by her. Then he will become the brigade’s leader for a short period in Kuroro Lucifuru’s absence. Disappointed by her actions as a member of members of the Ghost Brigade, she fights with Feitan and Feitan is quick to lash out at her, saying that he doesn’t believe she is the queen and believes that she could be playing a game with Feitan. They fight, and it appears that they are equal in power, but after an attack that is unexpectedly sparked by Feitan that attempts to take her down by delivering an ominous hit to on the forehead, she is able to show only one small cut to her face and leaves Feitan stunned by her face that is now hardened.Zazan is angry and resorts to her final option. She strips off his tail, and transforms into a terrifying beast with even greater strength with a tough skin. In her final form, she’s in a position to defeat Feitan as well as seriously endanger the left side of his arm. This is what annoys Feitan off by using her Nen power, Pain Backer. Despite Zazan’s thick skin, winds by completely burning her with Her Rising Sun attack.

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In HxH, Zazan, just like the rest of Kimera Ants are stronger than human beings of the average age and has impressive combat skills, capable for a period of time to fight at the same level as Feitan and even dominated Feitan in a few instances during the battle even though she ultimately lost. Zazan is perhaps the most formidable Kimera Ant, outside of members of the royal family. Her incredible strength, coupled with her sting, have enabled her to create a tiny kingdom.

Zazan’s stinger is a specific toxin that she utilizes to transform humans into loyal chimeras.Zazan’s only option. Zazan removes her stinger , and transforms into a creepy crocodile with incredible strength and tough skin . It is also adept to emit a lot of energy as emitters.

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Zazan is akin to Zarbon in Dragon Ball.  They have a similar obsession with their appearance and prefer an attractive appearance to stronger forms.  After losing their shells, both are considerably more muscular, but equally ugly and reptile-like.  As a result, their strength is increased significantly. Zazan wears his Channel skirt to conceal his stinger.

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